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i suck at deathmatch.


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I cant find any current videos that might help me improve my deathmatch. Anyone got any tips / links to online videos of anyone who's actually any good, like not rank below 50. All the videos are of people with really low ranks, thus they must be as useless as me.

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I've played about 60 and won most of them, my second game i got an 18 kill streak i think.


TDM is fairly simple here's a few tips:

1. Use silencers on every weapon to prevent you showing up on the map.

2. Never run because you will appear on the map.

3. find a good position and stay there, on rooftops is always good.

4. Use cover, always be the second person to reveal yourself and you will win 80% of your gunfights.

5. Use the best weapons these are: AP pistol, assault shotgun, special carbine, combat mg, heavy sniper.

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thanks for that, i'll give that a go, how come a pistol is any good?

It's got a super fast time to kill, it's not used a lot though, as at close range you should use the assault shotgun and at medium the special carbine, long distance combat mg or heavy sniper.


you can also call lester and pay $500 and he reveals the location of all players for 1 minute.

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If your on ps3 add me ashbashbluesfan and i can help you

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I've played about 60 and won most of them, my second game i got an 18 kill streak i think.


TDM is fairly simple here's a few tips:

1. Use silencers on every weapon to prevent you showing up on the map.

2. Never run because you will appear on the map.

3. find a good position and stay there, on rooftops is always good.

4. Use cover, always be the second person to reveal yourself and you will win 80% of your gunfights.

5. Use the best weapons these are: AP pistol, assault shotgun, special carbine, combat mg, heavy sniper.

This. Also try out different maps because some you might do really well on. There's a map where I got 13 kills and 1 death and another map I had 1 kill and 9 deaths. Did that one a second time and I had no kills, so you might be stronger on some than others

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thanks, you're right about the maps though. some i suck at and some i really suck at lol. i just want to more kills than deaths lol.

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thanks, you're right about the maps though. some i suck at and some i really suck at lol. i just want to more kills than deaths lol.

The guys who get into cars and drive around are pretty easy kills, in my opinion. Blind firing has been useful when there's like three guys across from my cover spot and the rest of my team is on the other side of the map

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Learn the maps.


After a match go into free mode(especially if your on foot) if you can remember the general area of the match you can find some really good spots for ambushes. Look at cross fire or back alley as prime examples. Don't drive ever. The exclusion to this rule is if it allows you too get into superior position. I.e. the hills in getaway. Or a bridge in the canyon.

As you start playing higher ranks aka heavy snipers etc. Duck and cover is the best advice+ combat rolling. Move in none linear patterns too avoid snipers. Find a spot make the kill and move. Because they are going too spawn near you. And have nice big black x where they died.

Figure out your style of play and play that way. Although mixing it up can really challenge many opponents. Ie start sniping at first then run and gun. Stop find cover let the hate spread then rinse and repeat.

Learn where environmental explosions are. Prime example is cross fire and the gas tank. I know my team will win if I get a multi kill using that. Traveling in groups is safe unless someone likes using explosives.

Explosives are fun but expensive. I ran a team death match the other day where the screen shook for the entire match. During the next load up I asked how much was there ammo bill.....only one guy said anything but it was 25000....they won 12000...the losers actually profited. So there is a time and place for them. Just not during the entire match.

The mini map is your friend you can move quickly and not be detected if your stealth skill is high enough. If you see a blue ring around your dot, someone is near you and detecting you. No blue and you can move.

Summation. Use cover, learn the maps, and get you shooting/ stealth score up.


How do you do this survival's for shooting missions for stealth and shooting. Coveted is awesome for quick skill ranking in both of these since your doing them simultaneously.

Edited by garvdart
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Posted A week ago


The key is to find the sweet spots...or if you are a roamer then find a route and dont just walk up the middle or stay in the open.

Keep an eye out for rooftops and definately study that mini-map, make note of the blips when they do appear and avoid going for the red blip through the front, flank and surprise motherfukcers instead.


I remember the days i would get owned in Team DM's and regular DM's because of my lack of map knowledge.


My best suggestion to you folks who want to play DM's but are struggling and is why you avoid them, is for you to enter

Rockstar Created DM's but dont play them and exit them and explore the terrain and check for higher ground by seeing what you can climb. I dont suggest the Rockstar Verified user created content as the map resets once you get back to free mode and will only be able to explore the permamanent terrain.

Take Crossfire....i used to get slaughtered from all angles....until one day after the match was over and i entered Free Mode, i realized it drops you off right near the map the DM was just at.....so i took my time and took note of where guys where hiding or climbing and i found those spots but then i took out my sniper and said, if an enemy is here, where can i take them out from when im down there? And BAM!! An old GTA 4 Multi-player DM veteran got his groove back!!


So explore and i bet you will do better at staying alive and killing. Of course weapons make a difference, so at the match lobby, take note of the higher ranked players....like if i see someone who is ranked 100-120, i will check to see what team they end up on and if they are on the opposite team, i know i have to watch out for the RPG or mini-gun.

Anyways good luck and i hope to see you in DM's.....cause its 10% map knowledge, 10% weapons grade and 80% confidence that will turn you into a DM killer!!

Edited by Day Reaper
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Take it from someone who is more excited about achieving this tattoo than any DLC or any upcoming Heists.


My latest achievment....Grim Reaper Team Carrier tattoo



Edited by Day Reaper
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Mini guns are my least favorite weapons as a rank 200 I rarely use mine unless someone has a helicopter. The loss of maneuverability and inability too use cover are it's biggest disadvantages. If you see someone running with this smile and drop them with one shot too the head from flanking behind or above. If your in front or behind a car your dead.


Special note I tend too avoid vehicles as cover its a big kick me sign that reads toss grenade here.


As the above posted learning the maps is definitely a crucial part of it. Stick with rock star created since these are usually areas that are well balanced.


Generally speaking having the higher ground wins 90% of the time. Higher ground + cover.


Special note on snipers keep at lowest zoom until you see movement then zoom in. This allows you a magnified view without destroying your field of vision.


Grenades / grenade launcher are fun toys since you can effectively bounce them around corners. Rpg's are linear only.

Edited by garvdart
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If you play with Assisted/Traditional GTA aim try combat rolling.They lose the lock on you

Edited by psycho_realm747
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Step 1. Camp

Step 2. If camping doesn't work do a lot of rolls (press x while aiming)

Step 3 (le most important one). Go For Headshots

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Black & White

The best tips are the following...


1: Shoot at the head. You'll end them quicker by a bullet in the head, than the chest or legs. Even with the most weakest weapon.


2: Keep in cover. Once you see someone run past you, shoot them. Never go out of cover and go into the open. You'll be killed quickly if you do something like that.


3: Use the best weapons. You should use machine guns, snipers, and combat rifles.

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thanks guys, one other thing, when going for headshots, do I have to use free aim, that takes a lot of time up.

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thanks guys, one other thing, when going for headshots, do I have to use free aim, that takes a lot of time up.

The lock on aims for the chest by default.A quick little titl up should be a headshot
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Practice headshots exclusively when on missions vs the AI characters. This will prepare you against human players and the gun range helps too.

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If you're above 120 just pull out the Mini-gun and it will kill them almost instantly. For some odd reason if you die with it you will respawn with full ammo for it. That way you never have to spend a dollar again :p Considering each round cost $1.5 making 10.000 rounds cost $15.000 this is an extremely easy way to get ammo without paying for it.

Edited by Shadow-sxs
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If you're above 120 just pull out the Mini-gun and it will kill them almost instantly. For some odd reason if you die with it you will respawn with full ammo for it. That way you never have to spend a dollar again :p Considering each round cost $1.5 making 10.000 rounds cost $15.000 this is an extremely easy way to get ammo without paying for it.

Is that what happens? I was wondering why sometimes the ammo was full and I had not spent a cent on mini-gun lead.

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I thought everything maxed out at RP 100. I wondered why people still RP grind after that. So there are benefits in going beyond 100 then? What are they?

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I thought everything maxed out at RP 100. I wondered why people still RP grind after that. So there are benefits in going beyond 100 then? What are they?

After 120 you have unlocked everything so most people tend to grind for money.

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Take it from someone who is more excited about achieving this tattoo than any DLC or any upcoming Heists.


My latest achievment....Grim Reaper Team Carrier tattoo



In fairness, it's a good set of tatoos. lol.


I thought everything maxed out at RP 100. I wondered why people still RP grind after that. So there are benefits in going beyond 100 then? What are they?

After 120 you have unlocked everything so most people tend to grind for money.


And you can't get any more health or range or accuracy on the weapons? When you're 120, that's it, you're done?

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Take it from someone who is more excited about achieving this tattoo than any DLC or any upcoming Heists.


My latest achievment....Grim Reaper Team Carrier tattoo



In fairness, it's a good set of tatoos. lol.


I thought everything maxed out at RP 100. I wondered why people still RP grind after that. So there are benefits in going beyond 100 then? What are they?

After 120 you have unlocked everything so most people tend to grind for money.


And you can't get any more health or range or accuracy on the weapons? When you're 120, that's it, you're done?


LOL! Thanks!!!

I love my tattoos.

I'm already only 12 away from my Slayer Award- Burning Heart tattoo!!!


The only tattoo I like more than the leg grim reaper is my Grim Reaper with Smoking Gun tattoo from the Gang Wars challenge!

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I thought everything maxed out at RP 100. I wondered why people still RP grind after that. So there are benefits in going beyond 100 then? What are they?

After 120 you have unlocked everything so most people tend to grind for money.


And you can't get any more health or range or accuracy on the weapons? When you're 120, that's it, you're done?


You reach max health at 100 if I am remembering correctly and accuracy on the weapons can only be changed by attachments. Press here to see a list of the different unlocks for each rank.

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Always go for headshots. Don't use suppressor on every gun, use it for one weapon and weapon type. for example, advanced rifle is a powerful rifle and equipping it with a suppressor doesn't reduce its power and range too much. Use that suppressed weapon in deathmatches, use the other weapons in missions. Also suppressors are expensive, even Pistol suppressor costs 12000 dollars. Don't waste your money by buying every suppressor, don't forget to perform combat rolls.


If you trapped by 2 or 3 players when in cover, blindfiring with Assault Shotgun will help you to kill them easily.


And there's another tip that never mentioned in topic. Pistol, Combat Pistol, SNS Pistol and Heavy Pistol aren't fully automatic weapons, tapping the fire button instead of holding it always increases its fire rate. I have 2.12 k/d ratio with the help of these tips and I can say they work really good, at least for me.

Edited by HexagoN
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Other people mentioned most of the important components of being a viable killing machine, so I won't add any redundancy, but an overlooked part of deathmatches is what your character is wearing. Seeing a hot pink tank-top against a gray wall definitely helps me spot and take advantage of the player, so keep in mind how your character looks. It's not as important as getting headshots down to reflex or combat rolling, but it's something to take into account. Also, characters' skin tends to shine or glow in sunlight, so covering up your limbs helps to keep you hidden. One last tip for anyone who could care less how they look and only care about winning, put on one of the visor helmets to help protect you from headshots. Hope this helps!


P.S. If you're on PS3 I'd be happy to run some deathmatches with you or whatever if you think it'd help. That goes for anybody.

Edited by MysterBeefy
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I've never lost a deathmatch for one reason, every random I meet is just godawful at this game. The majority of them use idiotic weapons, and never take cover, easy pickings.

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