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[Q] 3ds Max 2009 copy frames


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Hi, im new here and with 3ds max 2009 too, im animating some san andreas .ifp, to give to the game news animations depending on what i want, but i have a problem that is like this

I want to copy one frame from one anim example called: Jump start to another anim called : Jump, because i dont want to move all the bones again, because dont going to be smooth if have diferences, so asuming that we are working on the same .ifp file that have diferente animations how can i copy the frame of one animation to another that is in the same file?.. (we know that 3ds max just let you copy the frames from the animation to the same animation just changing position, but i dont know if what i want its posible)

I need help and sorry for my bad english :miranda:

Edited by Wasttz
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I have 3dmax7

Move the slider to that frame position which you wanna copy

(make shure all bones are selected or only these which should be copied)

Do Rightclick on slider to open window for copy sourceframe to targetframe

It have 2 fields, one for inserting sourceframe and one for targetframe

Sourceframe is already set depending to the slider position

so insert frame number in second field to give the recieving frame for the copy


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