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Helicopters - Request Features & Cargobob Problems


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so first of all the two bigger problems the cargobob has.


1. The Cargobob can float in the water but no one can enter a floating Cargobob from the water.


2. Big vehicle bug. Weird behaviour from the cargobob when flying full speed with big vehicles or containers. To test it, take a cargobob pick up a big vehicles like a truck fly a big and push the left stick full forward.


Helicopter features some may want:


When you take the Merryweather Helicopter at some places it gives you the option to rope down.


It should be a feature for Pilots. If the Human Pilot presses L1+R1 to stabilize the Helicopter and is on a height that is low enough players should get the rope down option

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It really disappointed me that loading vehicles into the titan / cargobob wasn't possible. It's fun to carry stuff, but from the trailers it seemed like you loads things in the back and then drive out.



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It really disappointed me that loading vehicles into the titan / cargobob wasn't possible. It's fun to carry stuff, but from the trailers it seemed like you loads things in the back and then drive out.




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If the rumored VTOL is a Osprey lookalike, there can be a chance for that.

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If the rumored VTOL is a Osprey lookalike, there can be a chance for that.

And if it is not just a rumour

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The problem with the cargobob is chain outside the SP missions is half the length. So while its perfectly capable of lifting the submarine during the merryweather heist. Carrying it outside that mission will likely lead to the chppors destruction.




When you take the Merryweather Helicopter at some places it gives you the option to rope down.

That feature already works in someplaces, (rooftops), I'd like to see it in other locations.

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The problem with the cargobob is chain outside the SP missions is half the length. So while its perfectly capable of lifting the submarine during the merryweather heist. Carrying it outside that mission will likely lead to the chppors destruction.


When you take the Merryweather Helicopter at some places it gives you the option to rope down.

That feature already works in someplaces, (rooftops), I'd like to see it in other locations.

I know that's why I hope that this feature will be open for players someday. Roping down 8 players from a cargobob ;)


Did you ever test the cargobob in water? :)


I want to open the rear of the Titan and Cargobob and use the Minigun & Sniper Rifle as rear passenger from every Heli and the Bison

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