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Stuck on garage cutscene


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Whenever I drive or walk into my garage it plays the cutscene but stays there. Does anyone know how to fix this!?

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I've had this happen before when I owned the high end apartments. I've owned 4 of them and they all have done it. I've heard that if there's a car obstructing the road just outside this could happen. I just sign out or attempt joining a mission.. Not sure if the latter even works but this is partly the reason I downgraded.

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If there is some sort of obstruction you spawn further away from the garage. Happens quite often in the Alta St apartment because idiots block the downramp to the garage.


OP, does it happen if you leave the garage in a car or on foot or both ?

if you move away from the apartment on foot, call up a car and then drive it back in to the garage does that work ?

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Crafty it happens when I enter both ways I've tried pretty much everything and I can't find a solution.

Also nothing is blocking the garage. It also happens when I take a car in too.

Edited by JungleKing54
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If there is some sort of obstruction you spawn further away from the garage. Happens quite often in the Alta St apartment because idiots block the downramp to the garage.


OP, does it happen if you leave the garage in a car or on foot or both ?

if you move away from the apartment on foot, call up a car and then drive it back in to the garage does that work ?

Crafty it happens when I enter both ways I've tried pretty much everything and I can't find a solution.

Also nothing is blocking the garage. It also happens when I take a car in too.

Edited by JungleKing54
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No fix that I know of. I just press Start and go to the Playstation Store, then exit out and Im back in the same session.


Magnet and water huh? Right helpful pricks you are.

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If there is some sort of obstruction you spawn further away from the garage. Happens quite often in the Alta St apartment because idiots block the downramp to the garage.


OP, does it happen if you leave the garage in a car or on foot or both ?

if you move away from the apartment on foot, call up a car and then drive it back in to the garage does that work ?

Crafty it happens when I enter both ways I've tried pretty much everything and I can't find a solution.

Also nothing is blocking the garage. It also happens when I take a car in too.



Hmm, that sucks. have you tried re-installing the game ? I would guess the cut scene and much of the garage interior is loaded off disc (rather than a server).. its about all I can think of.

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