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"Invite Only" Broken ?


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I have noticed that ever since 1.11 that invite only session randomly boots outs 1 of the players i was playing last night with other crew members there was a total of 4 in the session to grind RR back and forth and after completing and choosing freemode at least one of us is gone its a damn pain in the ass to keep re inviting over and over anybody else experience this problem ?

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I'm not sure but i think if you backout at vote screen it puts you back in session you were in before, At least that's what I have noticed.

If you were the host of the invite only I would back out first then let the others follow.

Let us know if that works.

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It's always done that in my experience. It doesn't happen everytime, but long before 1.11 we've had the issue of being separated after the voting screen. It isn't by exiting at the screen, it gives you a warning that you will be separated from the rest of the group if you do so. One thing you can do to reduce splitting up is make sure everyon eis in the same invite only session, if friends accept your job invite while in separate sessions it always splits everyone after voting.

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thats the problem i invited all 3 people on a private session and we all chose "freemode" i guess what ill do is experiment with what malibu said and ill just back out and the rest follow suit man i wish R* notices this and patches it.

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