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Can someone modify me a Sentinel XS


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Can someone modify me a Sentinel XS?


Brakes - Race

Engine - EMS level 4

Spoilers - Carbon Wing

Turbo - Turbo Tuning

Tires - Bulletproof tires

Windows - Limo

Please pls pls

Edited by Remosir
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You can't gift cash anymore, so you can't pay someone. Plus you're short-changing like a motherf*cker, so not a chance.

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Can sell cars for more than 10k now so guess he'll give you a car to that value

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I'll do it for you...you'll have to find one though and bring it to me...but after that, yeah...I'll mod it for you.

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Can sell cars for more than 10k now so guess he'll give you a car to that value


What can you sell for more than 10k?

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Can someone modify me a Sentinel XS?


Brakes - Race

Engine - EMS level 4

Spoilers - Carbon Wing

Turbo - Turbo Tuning

Tires - Bulletproof tires

Windows - Limo

Please pls pls

Sure if you come over and blow me.

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OP, if on PS3 I can get you that, but if you're looking for the hardtop GT version, you'll have to find it first.

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The Lonesome Drifter

If ur on xbox I'll SP2MP one for you. Free of charge :)

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Wants a carbon wing spoiler!!. Beggers can't be choosers. Sorry, I'm out.

Edited by Nomad0202
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Just glitch one into multiplayer by yourself, it's not that hard...

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Ive got one fully modded that ill give you if u paypal me 20 bucks.

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How would you give this person 60k?


It's more like 100K


He could do 10 RR and gives the guy 100% cash from it or just go to the Find a Group Meetups Section and find the Vehicle Duping Request Thread Or The Vehicle Giveaways and get one for free

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