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Random cash flow?


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The other day I had 15gs in cash on me before I entered a race where I won another 6gs. After the race we went to freeroam where I noticed I'd accumulated a grand total of 27gs. It seems as though I was payed for the same race twice. Anyone else experience anything similar lately?

Edited by Accendo
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I noticed this too. Like i'd do a one on one race, worth maybe $1000 or so dollars, and i'd drop back to free roam to find $2K or so sitting in my wallet.

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the other day ?

as in yesterday ?


you have been watching the loading screens right ?

cause it says there that this weekend racepayouts and rp wil be doubled


in this game nothing is free bro.

yesterday i payed 6k to have the ugly wing removed from my entity

the tought alone of r* making their content profitable realy made me LOL :D

Edited by ChrisV
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wow its being a while since i last saw a person using Gs instead of Ks in a online forum!

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the other day ?

as in yesterday ?


you have been watching the loading screens right ?

cause it says there that this weekend racepayouts and rp wil be doubled


in this game nothing is free bro.

yesterday i payed 6k to have the ugly wing removed from my entity

the tought alone of r* making their content profitable realy made me LOL :D

It was a land race. It's only double payouts for air races and that's already calculated when you get to the results screen.

Granted, this is Rockstar here. They probably just mucked up some coding.

wow its being a while since i last saw a person using Gs instead of Ks in a online forum!

Haha guess I'm old-school. Used to frequent Neoseeker years ago.
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strangely , i've solo race . it says ' $2k ' , upon freemode shift ' $5k '

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