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Alpha or Jester? Which car is better for racing?


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I have both cars in my garage, and I've managed to win a few races with both cars. However, both cars seem to drive really differently and have their own pros and cons.


The Alpha does seem to have good speed on straightaways. It's a big, sturdy car, and seems to be less affected by rammers and PIT maneuvers compared to the Jester in my experience. However, the Alpha can be a pain to get around corners and acceleration feels a bit sluggish.


With the Jester, I can get through corners faster, and the car in general is so grippy and agile. However, the thing I dislike most about the car is its wide body. On narrow sections of track, I seem to hit or snag onto things more easily compared to the Alpha.


Overall, which car is better for racing in general between these two? The Alpha or the Jester?

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Maybe you could ask the R* devs?


Oh wait, they didn't even recognise the cars.



(Jokes aside, I can't comment because I don't own any of then)

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Jester by far, it's got awesome traction it sticks to the track grippy as hell. Very hard to spin our around bends and corners. It's got way better acceleration it takes off very well so you can get off the line fast or exit curves quicker. The brakes are very responsive and easy to feather. You can slow down later as the brakes work well and then you can take off after turning due to the acceleration. It has a high top speed compared to many of the other sports cars. It's sexy as hell. Overall a very maneuverable and dependable vehicle. I have a Jester, Turismo, Entity, Corquette, Carbonizarre and I still choose the Jester.

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Jester by far, it's got awesome traction it sticks to the track grippy as hell. Very hard to spin our around bends and corners. It's got way better acceleration it takes off very well so you can get off the line fast or exit curves quicker. The brakes are very responsive and easy to feather. You can slow down later as the brakes work well and then you can take off after turning due to the acceleration. It has a high top speed compared to many of the other sports cars. It's sexy as hell. Overall a very maneuverable and dependable vehicle. I have a Jester, Turismo, Entity, Corquette, Carbonizarre and I still choose the Jester.

Don't forget the swagginess of the Dinka wing.

And the swagginess of them hybrid electric-gas engine.

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The Jester is a Sports Car, The Alpha should be in the Coupe class racing Exemplars.

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Jester, probably. It is made as a racecar, compared to the Alpha, which is made for rich people.

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Jester by far, it's got awesome traction it sticks to the track grippy as hell. Very hard to spin our around bends and corners. It's got way better acceleration it takes off very well so you can get off the line fast or exit curves quicker. The brakes are very responsive and easy to feather. You can slow down later as the brakes work well and then you can take off after turning due to the acceleration. It has a high top speed compared to many of the other sports cars. It's sexy as hell. Overall a very maneuverable and dependable vehicle. I have a Jester, Turismo, Entity, Corquette, Carbonizarre and I still choose the Jester.

Don't forget the swagginess of the Dinka wing.

And the swagginess of them hybrid electric-gas engine.

Who needs gas when you have swag... Hybrid electric-swag engine.

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Entered a 13 field GTA Race yesterday. 10 Carbo's, 1 Aston cabrio (forget the name) and 2 Jesters. Laguna Seca remake track.


Jesters came 1 and 2. Not driven the Alpha but a tuned Jester is a great car..

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The Alpha is a cruising car, and that's all it's good for.

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