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Our characters may soon have voices?!


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I ran over my friend in a mission and she screamed, it was a scream I had never heard before from ANY NPC or character, except Amanda, which it sount quite similar to.


So, maybe we'll see voices added to online?

I sure would!

Also sex, so we can out those voices to use.


Maybe getting a big apartment was a good idea after all.

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Characters have been making random noises since launch.

Not screams.


Just annoying masturbatory sounds in the shower.

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So, maybe we'll see voices added to online?

I sure would!

Also sex, so we can out those voices to use.


What's it feel like to be a f*ckin idiot? Seriously I'm curious.
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So, maybe we'll see voices added to online?

I sure would!

Also sex, so we can out those voices to use.


What's it feel like to be a f*ckin idiot? Seriously I'm curious.


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I ran over my friend in a mission and she screamed, it was a scream I had never heard before from ANY NPC or character, except Amanda, which it sount quite similar to.


So, maybe we'll see voices added to online?

I sure would!

Also sex, so we can out those voices to use.


Maybe getting a big apartment was a good idea after all.


Maybe, it was her mic?

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I ran over my friend in a mission and she screamed, it was a scream I had never heard before from ANY NPC or character, except Amanda, which it sount quite similar to.


So, maybe we'll see voices added to online?

I sure would!

Also sex, so we can out those voices to use.


Maybe getting a big apartment was a good idea after all.


Maybe, it was her mic?


If it was a mic, it must have been low-quality.


But we didn't hear the scream, so no proof. :|

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So, maybe we'll see voices added to online?

I sure would!

Also sex, so we can out those voices to use.


In four words; not a f*cking chance.

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I ran over my friend in a mission and she screamed, it was a scream I had never heard before from ANY NPC or character, except Amanda, which it sount quite similar to.


So, maybe we'll see voices added to online?

I sure would!

Also sex, so we can out those voices to use.


Maybe getting a big apartment was a good idea after all.


Maybe, it was her mic?


If it was a mic, it must have been low-quality.


But we didn't hear the scream, so no proof. :|



But we don't even know if it was a HQ or LQ scream..

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When a player leaves a session, their character becomes a generic NPC, which means they can scream.


That's probably what happened.

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OP Said in a mission so doubt it was NPC.


I've never heard the players make a noise, maybe an NPC nearby and you thought it came from her?

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It's obvious guys it's just some guy hiding in OPs closet ready to kill him in his sleep. No need to jump to conclusions about new content.

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They should actually have voices for actions so you can tell people to f*ck off and stuff :O Or shout mummy jokes from your car as you're driving by. :D

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Ah, so we buy voice packs for our characters such as Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, Apu (Simpsons)?

Dan Houser: apprentice-youre-hired1.jpg

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no i don't want another hey there howdy partner

Edited by bikerman3
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