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Audi Meet


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Hello GTA V online players, ive been wanting for the longest time to do an Audi (obey) meet, and just get a big full lobby, and cruise the city, do street races, and meets at gas stations. I want mature people and people not to shoot at cars or damage them


it would be nice to have the cars slammed or stanced. you could youtube how to do that, itd be really fun

if interested msg me on xbox @ Skruffyyyy

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Changed topic title to something more appropriate. Moved to GTA Online > Find a Group & Meetups

Edited by Andreas
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Tell me where you all are meeting........@_@

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we would meet anywhere, I would like a a lot of people before I make a set location right away, but most likely itd be in the los santos shop in the middle of the city

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we would meet anywhere, I would like a a lot of people before I make a set location right away, but most likely itd be in the los santos shop in the middle of the city


Cool I meet you guys there with my tank...



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