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Trevor has a new drug?


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Hey guys, Just now I was playing as Trevor and on his table outside his trailer, is what looks like a sock, walking up to it brings the option to "Huff Gas", I don't want to spoil it but, lets just say Trevor huffs it and wakes up somewhere.

Is this a new addition or has it always been there? I have never seen it since now.

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Hey guys, Just now I was playing as Trevor and on his table outside his trailer, is what looks like a sock, walking up to it brings the option to "Huff Gas", I don't want to spoil it but, lets just say Trevor huffs it and wakes up somewhere.

Is this a new addition or has it always been there? I have never seen it since now.

Always been there.

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Lol I knew about this since I first gotten the game. Nothing new at all.

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It's a unique Safehouse activity, like Michael being able to drink kale juice (or 'wheatgrass' as the Social Club calls it), and Franklin smoking pot.


You also have the option to 'play with' Mr. Raspberry Jam when staying at Floyd and Debra's apartment.

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