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Black Gavel MC Grapeseed is now recruiting


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Are you looking for a MC that loves to kick ass and have fun? Well Black Gavel MC grapeseed may be for you. We are a serious club with serious rules. We take care of our own, and there is a time and place for everything. We do not aim to be the biggest mc but we do aim to be the closest an most tight-nit club. Our club is new and rapidly expanding.


1. All new recruits must go through a prospecting phase which lasts about a week officially, so you must prospect before being full patch.

2. All members and prospects must attend church which is held on sunday afternoons.

3. All members and prospects must own a hexer,bagger or daemon.

4. All members must rock the patch on back of a leather jacket everytime you are on a club function or playing with club members.

Goto the website for all the rules and prospecting laws. If this interests you then check out our website @ http://kciyow.wix.com/black-gavel-mc

Or message me on xbox live at H1CK R0SS

Grapeseed social club




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