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turizmo r glitch?

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Rockstar has issued a recall, you should bring your Turismo to your local Grotti dealer.

Edited by Raavi
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It might just be the speed you are traveling at when you crash that ends up electing you . GTA has been doing that for a while now ( ejection at high speeds ) , even in slower cars . I actually love it , it sucks but it's funny .

Edited by Blazzin001
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Where is this alleged dealer or are you being sarcastic?


On the corner of Bismarck and Pyrite in Liberty City, just give them a ring and they'll send Johny on the Spot to pick up your car.



Seriously though, because the car is low to the ground the smallest bumps can cause the car to crash or in your case eject the character through the windshield. Not a glitch, just how the car is designed.

Edited by Raavi
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Seriously though, because the car is low to the ground the smallest bumps can cause the car to crash or in your case eject the character through the windshield. Not a glitch, just how the car is designed.



Still the most enjoyable car to drive in the game though.


You can find a Grotti dealer on the corner next to the big intersection in Rockford Hills. Good luck returning your Turismo R. ;)

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Seriously though, because the car is low to the ground the smallest bumps can cause the car to crash or in your case eject the character through the windshield. Not a glitch, just how the car is designed.



Still the most enjoyable car to drive in the game though.



I wholeheartedly agree, the Turismo R and the Carbinozzare are my go-to cars ie the only cars I drive in the game.

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Nothing's wrong with the Turismo lol. That happens with every car. The only thing I hate about the Turismo is that it's so low to the ground that I scratch my bumper every time I leave the LS Customs near the Beverly Hills area. You also can't go over curbs or small bumps in that car :p.

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Where is this alleged dealer or are you being sarcastic?

Just ignore these other clowns!!!! But I gotta admit I had a good laugh hahaha


What do yous think about the Turismo, does it compare to the other existing pre-patch supercars e.g. Adder? Thinking of buying a supercar but cant afford Adder, would Turismo be a good alternative to work towards (currently only GTA$100k in the bank)

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The Turismo is a good and relatively inexpensive supercar at only $500k but in terms of stats its beaten by the big three (adder cheetah and entity). If you can drive it well then theres not a lot in it except on the straight-aways. If you want to go fast for little cash then the bullet is as fast as the turismo at top speed but takes a little longer to get there and is likely to kill you on any serious corners. The infernus and vacca are way too common for my liking but good cars at a good price. As for the Coil, its an electric car with a very low top speed but its acceleration is one of the best.

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Lethal Vaccine



I wholeheartedly agree, the Turismo R and the Carbinozzare are my go-to cars ie the only cars I drive in the game.


EXACTLY this, man. They are my two favorite cars in the game, as well. I love my FIB Buffalo and Unmarked Cruiser + Police Riot as well, but when it comes to just cruising around, I always take the Turismo R and Carbonizzare as well!!!

Well, the car is too damn low! :lol:



Take my advice, drive a carbonizzare instead. :cool:


It's not too low if you drive it as intended. I drive on a road. I don't drive on the sidewalk and try to climb a staircase. If you drive it on any road, it's fine.

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The Turismo is a good and relatively inexpensive supercar at only $500k but in terms of stats its beaten by the big three (adder cheetah and entity). If you can drive it well then theres not a lot in it except on the straight-aways. If you want to go fast for little cash then the bullet is as fast as the turismo at top speed but takes a little longer to get there and is likely to kill you on any serious corners. The infernus and vacca are way too common for my liking but good cars at a good price. As for the Coil, its an electric car with a very low top speed but its acceleration is one of the best.


No.. The Turismo is faster than the Cheetah, and as fast as the Adder. You should check tests by a guy named Broughy on Youtube. The Bullet is absolutely terrible. The Vacca and Infernus are average. (in their class)

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Lethal Vaccine


The Turismo is a good and relatively inexpensive supercar at only $500k but in terms of stats its beaten by the big three (adder cheetah and entity). If you can drive it well then theres not a lot in it except on the straight-aways. If you want to go fast for little cash then the bullet is as fast as the turismo at top speed but takes a little longer to get there and is likely to kill you on any serious corners. The infernus and vacca are way too common for my liking but good cars at a good price. As for the Coil, its an electric car with a very low top speed but its acceleration is one of the best.


No.. The Turismo is faster than the Cheetah, and as fast as the Adder. You should check tests by a guy named Broughy on Youtube. The Bullet is absolutely terrible. The Vacca and Infernus are average. (in their class)



Broughy! Yes, you're absolutely right, man. Taking cars around the Cutting Corners Race Track with NO mods on the vehicles and testing the times down to the tenth of a second. I completely agree with you! That is the guy I always check out on Youtube as well to determine which cars are the fastest in EACH classification.


I am sick of people saying the Adder is the fastest, cuz it's not. The Entity XF is/was. I am not sure yet about the Turismo R. Did he test that one out, too? Either way, I will go check his Youtube channel now and see if he did anything extra with the new vehicles.


And I agree, the Bullet is the slowest and worst traction for a Super as well. I own all 8 Supers in the game, plus all the Sports Cars (Minus the Futo and Penumbra), and when I drive them, they surely match up and feel like how Broughy's opinion is!





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