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Going from the 10 car garage to a 6 car garage

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I wanted something a little different and I noticed the 6 car garage by Fort Zancudo. Long story short, I sold four cars so I was left with six. When I purchased the 6 car garage it warned me that I would lost some of my stored cars as I was moving to a smaller garage. I called up the mechanic before changing to make sure I definitely had six. I had the Jester, Turismo, Gauntlet, Akuma, Bifta and the Alpha. I ended up purchasing it and the same message came up, I thought it might have been a generic message you get but I lost my Jester and Alpha for some reason. Anyone had this problem or know what caused it? Not sure if it's something to do with them being DLC cars. I was driving the Turismo at the time so that's probably why I didn't lose that. Luckily I got 600k alone from selling the Stinger GT so I can get them back and I believe I can buy a 10 car garage again and my cars will return.

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You didn't need to sell 4 cars to get a 6 car garage you know lol. It just sort of stores them away separately till you go back to a 10 car :)


I know but I'm not really planning on going back to a 10 car garage unless they release some more properties in Blaine County. Plus, I wasn't sure if it was just going to randomly pick 6 cars that would transfer to the new garage.

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