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Cant do front/backflips with Quads?!


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I noticed as i was riding my quad earlier today when i played gta online i was in the skate park with my friends we were just doing stunts and all, and for some reason i couldnt do a back flip on my quad.


When i tried to tilt it back while in the air, it automatically corrects your position and makes you land on your wheels, which is kind of dumb, since you can do backflips on bikes, motorcycles, and even cars. but you cant do that with quads?


i also tried to get more speed while driving off the mountains and staying in air for much longer, and still nothing happens, the quad auto corrects you position while in air.


my question did anyone else tried to do a backflip or a front flip with your QUAD and couldnt do it?

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You can, but it's hard to control/do multiple times in a row.


I've done them before on my pink ATV. Seems random...


Most of the time, it wont do it...But sometimes I'll get lucky.

Edited by Grottesca
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You also can't do wheelies.


Try keeping your tires under you, though, if you happen to bounce while turning.


4-wheelers /quads feel like Saints' Row cars.

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You also can't do wheelies.


Try keeping your tires under you, though, if you happen to bounce while turning.


4-wheelers /quads feel like Saints' Row cars.

i know many cars do, they make gta 5 overal feel like a linear crappy version of sleeping dogs lol i want gta 4 physics where you can actually jump out of the car and roll for much longer than in gta 5

and have freedom and how i control my cars, not be more linear to what limits i can go to.

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they fukt up on the quads,they should handle like the sanchez period.


And be able to be resprayed...and fitted with bulletproof tires...


If my Faggio can be customized, I don't see why ATV's can't be...

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