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looking for voodoo and franklins car


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Try the allocated request thread based on your system you play on in the Find Groups and Meetups forum. The threads are even pinned for ease of access.

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Try the allocated request thread based on your system you play on in the Find Groups and Meetups forum. The threads are even pinned for ease of access.

maybe will make it a try but that will be tomorro morning (gmt +1)



btw its on xbox

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you can bring franklin's car in pretty easily by doing the SP to MP glitch. it's really not that hard.


1. set spawn location to last location

2. leave the game

3. join a new server and you should be where you set your spawn to.

4. the one step that takes a bit of timing. Press start and go to Xbox live store. when it asks you "are you sure?" press A and then you'll start spawning into the sky. press the xbox button. then press X, then down on the d pad, and press A, which will log you out of Xbox live. If you're on PSN there's a different method that i'm not familiar with, but you can find it on youtube.

5. after you log out you'll be loading single player via the north yankton prologue mission. you can go ahead and log back into XBL now. Once the mission loads, go into a save game and get franklin's buffalo.

6. Drive the buffalo to the spot where you left your online character. Once you get to that spot, stay in the car and bring up the online menu and go into a PUBLIC session (you can accept an invite to a private session from a friend, however you cannot start your own invite only session as the car won't spawn if you do that). Once you are in the public session or the session you were invited to, you should see the buffalo parked next to you. get in it and drive it to your garage or LSC for a tracker and insurance.

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you can bring franklin's car in pretty easily by doing the SP to MP glitch. it's really not that hard.


1. set spawn location to last location

2. leave the game

3. join a new server and you should be where you set your spawn to.

4. the one step that takes a bit of timing. Press start and go to Xbox live store. when it asks you "are you sure?" press A and then you'll start spawning into the sky. press the xbox button. then press X, then down on the d pad, and press A, which will log you out of Xbox live. If you're on PSN there's a different method that i'm not familiar with, but you can find it on youtube.

5. after you log out you'll be loading single player via the north yankton prologue mission. you can go ahead and log back into XBL now. Once the mission loads, go into a save game and get franklin's buffalo.

6. Drive the buffalo to the spot where you left your online character. Once you get to that spot, stay in the car and bring up the online menu and go into a PUBLIC session (you can accept an invite to a private session from a friend, however you cannot start your own invite only session as the car won't spawn if you do that). Once you are in the public session or the session you were invited to, you should see the buffalo parked next to you. get in it and drive it to your garage or LSC for a tracker and insurance.


i think you cant do it anymore

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