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What Do You Dislike The Most About GTAV/O?


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I got a couple:


I dislike the fact that the Online community sucks ass. This is because you can't cruise past another player without them shooting at, or killing you. If they manage to kill you, they'd most likely blow-up your whip too!


Police, police, police.. Always up your ass! No matter where you are, them f*ckers will find you! (I know it isn't impossible to lose them, but ya'know what I mean).


Anyway that's enough of me bitchin, what do you dislike about the latest installment?


1luvRasta's (lol)

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The overly hostile community. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the occasional blood bath just as much as the next guy...But does it have to be constant?


Sometimes I just want to chill/cruise around.

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The overly hostile community. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the occasional blood bath just as much as the next guy...But does it have to be constant?


Sometimes I just want to chill/cruise around.

Exactly man. If you kill someone once, they feel like they gotta kill you 10 times in-order to be even.

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People who get offended when you kill them while they have a bounty.


Its nothing personal. :)

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The overly hostile community. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the occasional blood bath just as much as the next guy...But does it have to be constant?


Sometimes I just want to chill/cruise around.

Exactly man. If you kill someone once, they feel like they gotta kill you 10 times in-order to be even.




But yeah, the majority of the community is what I hate the most. I do love the random chaos that can happen at any time, but 14 out of 16 players always killing on sight and 24/7 deathmatch without any real point gets kind of tiring after a while.

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Strange Town

People who get offended when you kill them while they have a bounty.


Its nothing personal. :)

how should I know if it is personal or not? Players kill other players even if they don't have a bounty.

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Personally? I hate the community. Gamers these days are so f*cking trigger happy that you have no choice but to kill anyone you come across out of sheer paranoia.


It's video game darwinism at it's peak.

Edited by iainspad
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The overly hostile community. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the occasional blood bath just as much as the next guy...But does it have to be constant?


Sometimes I just want to chill/cruise around.

Exactly man. If you kill someone once, they feel like they gotta kill you 10 times in-order to be even.




But yeah, the majority of the community is what I hate the most. I do love the random chaos that can happen at any time, but 14 out of 16 players always killing on sight and 24/7 deathmatch without any real point gets kind of tiring after a while.



Those guys are the worst...

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People who get offended when you kill them while they have a bounty.


Its nothing personal. :)

how should I know if it is personal or not? Players kill other players even if they don't have a bounty.

If you have a bounty on you and someone kills you then drives off; Never trying to kill you again. It wasnt personal.

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The stupid rammers in races and the catch up option. Sooo lame and annoying to get thrown out of the road by some dumbass

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1-limited garages

2-delay on rear view and rear-view snapback

3-auto-flip when turning your wheels in the air.


Community issues are not a GTA thing, they're a modern, capitalist culture thing.

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Yeah, the community. My mantra these days is to assume that everyone in free roam is a dick.


Lack of heists is a close second, though.


And Catch-Up comes in third. Like me in any race with Catch-Up on.

Edited by JohnGazman
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Lack of actual missions, im sorry but if i wanna play a deathmatch or racing style game ill play something else. The missions we have now are fine and fun to do but getting old, could do with a influx of new ones.

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i admit i sometime kill a player but i don't do it repeatibly, and i also hate the pitters in races.

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Lack of actual missions, im sorry but if i wanna play a deathmatch or racing style game ill play something else. The missions we have now are fine and fun to do but getting old, could do with a influx of new ones.

Yeah, gotta just wait it out for the heists man, hopefully R* hit us with something big!

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the thing i dislike the most about gtao...


that thing called CarimboHanky



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I will pwn you newbs

Catchup, assholes, people who rather play bumper cars than actually race. I really need to find a good racing crew.

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The huge world that Rockstar created with just a handful of interiors. Wouldn't it be cool if there were a thousand little places that be walked into.. unmarked on the map. I'd love to just walk in on a family watching television or catch someone in the shower, or maybe just a simple inventory room that that's full of P&Qs for pickup.

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The huge world that Rockstar created with just a handful of interiors. Wouldn't it be cool if there were a thousand little places that be walked into.. unmarked on the map. I'd love to just walk in on a family watching television or catch someone in the shower, or maybe just a simple inventory room that that's full of P&Qs for pickup.

Lol :)

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The way the game can't decide if it wants to be a pseudo-RPG or the fun of GTAIV/RDR. There's a lot of brilliant game elements they removed from both (1 RP for killing civilian/5 RP for killing a cop on RDR to promote holing out in places like El Presidio; the RDR quick travel system; the lack of a 'classic' GTA freeroam and Cops n' crooks among others). It has the grinding of RPGs without the reward and has the world of GTA without the freedom.

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As others have said, the community. They're overly hostile, and have little self control.

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Love the game, hate the community, more specifically, the little kids with headsets.

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sandbag players in dm/tdm


This x 1000


you could go 20/0 in a tdm and these players will make u lose cuz they go 0/20 lol,sandbags drowning there team,when i check the list before a match i see them on my team i quit,fuk taking losses 4 there sh*ty play

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That no matter how ambitious they go with it, it still feels empty to me. I wouldn't mind having some more city but really how many mountains do we need?

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It be quicker for me to mention what i like, which is duping and painting cars thats it.

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It be quicker for me to mention what i like, which is duping and painting cars thats it.

Hey! That's what I do! *nerd voice*

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Just the police, the community does not bother me. I can kill them back.

Its really annoying to be in a shootout with another player, and have the police shoot you too.

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