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¿How they get verified?


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It's just ridiculous how some things get verified by rockstar.. i mean, come on. 8 of every 10 deatmatchs I get to play, are some sh*tty maps with tanks and hydras everywhere, wtf is fun about it? or they just put 20 super cars all around, and block all the weapons, letting you use only your hands. BORING.


And it get even worst with races, there are containers over the place making u take confusing turns, and the race it's 1km long, or those races with jumps everywhere, but that's not bad, the bad thing it's that is impossible to make 4 or 5 of them in a row with some cars.


So you know, if u want to get verified, just make a deatmatch with super cars everywhere, containers, block all the weapons, add a few tanks, a couple hydras and BAM


R* verified.

Edited by deLechuga
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thanks for the tips. i think i'm going to make 50 deathmathces/races with the tips you gave me. thanks!

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Black Rabbit

Cash cards.



...but, seriously I have no clue how they choose, it must just be by amount of plays, which the huge crews just spam jobs no matter how sh*tty.



Self promotion of my one and only death match. Been working on it for a long time to ensure good spawns and balance for all.

Symphony of Destruction


Game Mode: Team Deathmatch

Link: http://rsg.ms/1gdCeFI


A heavy metal concert erupts into violence as a rainstorm rolls through. Be weary of the pyrotechnics as you make your way around the stage at the Hollywood Bowl. Rust in peace...

(Standard setup is night time, in the rain. Forced combat pistols with additional combat pistols, a few small arms, one heavy sniper and a few grenades.)

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TLTD = you all suck at making maps and should feel bad

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The real question is.... how do you put the upside-down "?"

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The real question is.... how do you put the upside-down "?"

lol, maybe spanish keyboard or some

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They hire 12 y.o to verify them cos most of those maps are terrible, plus they have childish names. I've played other user created ones that are way better than the verified ones

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Cash cards.



...but, seriously I have no clue how they choose, it must just be by amount of plays, which the huge crews just spam jobs no matter how sh*tty.



Self promotion of my one and only death match. Been working on it for a long time to ensure good spawns and balance for all.

Symphony of Destruction


Game Mode: Team Deathmatch

Link: http://rsg.ms/1gdCeFI


A heavy metal concert erupts into violence as a rainstorm rolls through. Be weary of the pyrotechnics as you make your way around the stage at the Hollywood Bowl. Rust in peace...

(Standard setup is night time, in the rain. Forced combat pistols with additional combat pistols, a few small arms, one heavy sniper and a few grenades.)

When an adult makes a map, real thought is put in. Good job. :^:


They hire 12 y.o to verify them cos most of those maps are terrible, plus they have childish names. I've played other user created ones that are way better than the verified ones

Today I joined a random race just to see if the weekend event has started paying out yet. Oh BOY! Jumps! Jumps! Jumps! I am the last person on the list everyone else was some squeaky kid from some non English speaking country. Ow my ears. Quit out as fast as I could. :sui:

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The real question is.... how do you put the upside-down "?"


Spanish keyboard.

Edited by Zodape
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And it get even worst with races, there are containers over the place making u take confusing turns, and the race it's 1km long, or those races with jumps everywhere, but that's not bad, the bad thing it's that is impossible to make 4 or 5 of them in a row with some cars.



just admit your a sh*t driver no need to blame the races .. noone likes a boring track with no turns or chicanes

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If you are going to post a GIF then at least write something.

Or even better, he shoulda posted a better GIF?

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Solution: Host your own sh*t

Question: Hydra in V? This is news to me.


They have 9 heads. Easy to spot.

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With the way this thread is going, I put a lot of time and effort into this one:


Coast to Coast (Point to point race)


You'll see sweeping views of the ocean in this race. Just don't lose focus, or you'll find out why racing in Los Santos can be a beach..



And a deathmatch that actually uses the prison well:

Prison Rules


Anything goes in prison. So watch your back... and your ass.



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I made prizon thug fightz. get at me.

if you're on ps3 im pretty sure i played that last night. i couldn't get a single kill because the game was glitching

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I have a deathmatch set in a mansion garden; set in the rainy night as default. Pretty good for team deathmatch. Good weapon drops as well. Some people joined in and gave likes too, but it never get verified.


It surprised me after I wrote a long description like how missions usually have and the ones get verified are like "race around the docks" etc. with crappy ass title and creation...


Rockstar verified are surely verified by kids and retards.


If you would like to try here goes:




1. The World is Yours




You think the world is yours?! Prove who's the boss to your enemies and don't forget to yell -Say hello to my little friend!-





1. Mother Nature




Back to mountain and hills with your ass sitting on Sanchez. Do the mother nature like a big boy!


Edited by luisniko
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The real question is.... how do you put the upside-down "?"

lol, maybe spanish keyboard or some


¿ Its an alt code also. Why holding Alt, type 0191. Alt +0191 = ¿



As for the verification. The ones that have become verified, I've never heard before and couldn't be bothered to play.

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Believe it or not people actually like playing em. I was In a lobby and kids kept replaying seal team six. I was like wtf

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»¿«This thing over here is available on my phone`s keypad°

Jump jump jumps FTL.

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I can only assume what this thread is about based on the title. That OP is bloody (pun intended?) unreadable.

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To answer the OP, which has been answered in many threads before, they pick the maps that get the most likes. These maps are usually half ass'ed by some lame youtube channel who promotes them to their sqweeker army fanbase.


Personally, this has had a negative impact on me in a couple ways... First is that I have given up the idea of ever joining some other hosted lobby. And second, my enthusiasm for creating maps died when I saw the crap they were promoting.


On top of this stuff, there is a bug that steals your ammo if you play pickup only weapons TDM, making them very expensive. And since we are no longer billionaires, I don't want to play the maps I did make. And the matchmaking is terrible, especially in freeaim, all related to these issues.


Competitive games in GTA could have been great, but they failed.

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OP hurts my eyes. Btw, OP there are a lot of people (like me) who try their best to try and create as good as possible DMs and Races. Sure, I made some bad ones, but I won't sink as low as creators of "Jumps, Jumps, Jumps" and "Saving Ryan's Privates".


P.S.: to get ¿ on a US keyboard: Right Alt + /

Edited by twannie1997
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Believe it or not people actually like playing em. I was In a lobby and kids kept replaying seal team six. I was like wtf

Probably because kids get excited when they see the words "Seal Team Six" it's in the middle of a desert...

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