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Tips for Newbies in the DYOM Forums.


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Hello Everyone!


I noticed some new members around these forums & thought i would show them how to behave around here. :santa:

Now listen, most of the stuff i'm going to say that you SHOULDN'T do. I Did myself when i was new. But looking at

more respected members around here, i learned and thought i should write this guide.


This is not a DYOM tutorial but just a guide of how to be a respected in the DYOM Forums.


Also NOTE: I'm saying i'm perfect. I might be one of the most annoying members on this forum.

But i do know how to behave around here. and if you disagree with any tip below or even want

to add your own tip, then just leave a post! :)



(Show spoiler to expand post.)


1- No double posting.

many new members do this and it is quite irritating.

Here is a scenario

Thread: Rise Of Godzilla [MP]


BBQEater7 posted at 7:03:
Great MP man, i'm gonna try this soon.


Now lets say you (BBQEater7) posted something.

and after playing the mission, you want to give feedback.

But nobody else posted in that thread and your post is still the latest.


This is what most new members do.


Thread: Rise Of Godzilla [MP]


BBQEater7 posted at 7:03:
Great MP man, i'm gonna try this soon


BBQEater7 posted at 7:25:

I Loved the mission! it has a lot of action and some very exciting scenes! 10/10!

That is called double posting. (Posting a new post under your post)


To avoid this, there is an edit button under your signature to the right. beside the Report button.

The edit button lets you edit your post.


Lets say you want to edit your post but make a difference from what you posted earlier & what you are posting now.


Type this "EDIT:" before your new post.


Thread: Rise Of Godzilla [MP]


BBQEater7 posted at 7:03:
Great MP man, i'm gonna try this soon

EDIT: I Loved the mission! it has a lot of action and some very exciting scenes! 10/10!



2-Don't reply after each post on your thread.

So you made a thread for your Mission or Mission Pack.

No need to reply after each compliment saying Thanks! Thx! or Thank You BBQEater7.

But if for example: 3 or more people posted some feedback. Then you can thank them in

one post like this

Thread: DYOM: MInecraft


HerobrineIsReal008 posted at

@BBQEater7, KroketVreter & CJ DYOM
Thanks guys! Expect 1 more mission soon!

or if you want to tell all of them something different individually

Thread: DYOM: MInecraft


HerobrineIsReal008 posted at

Thanks man! your missions are awesome too!

You really think its nice? thanks man.

Hey man, yeah i would love a review from you.
Looking forward to it. :santa:

But if you want to thank one member only. Just like his/her post.

To do this, you have use the Like button (Thumbs Up button)

Go to the post you want to like and click on the Like Button on the bottom right.


3-Don't overuse Smileys!

One or maximum 3 Smileys per post is ok. it also depends on how long your post is.

But never do this.


Thread: The Designer's Lounge


BBQEater7 posted at 21:23:
LOL! Disney easter egg!
have a cookie!

Its unprofessional.


4-Don't bump old threads

When ever you post something in the thread, it will go to the top of the threads list

So don't bump threads that are more than a year old, unless you have something

really important to say.


And just so you know "Is this MP dead?" is not important.

If you want to ask if a Mission Pack is dead or is still work in progress. then you should copy the link of the MP's thread

and post in the Designer's Lounge and ask your question.


If you uselessly bump an old thread, then a moderator will give you a warning & the thread will be locked.


5-Don't Capitalize every other letter

Many users do this. If i did it a year ago. It becomes a habit, i know. but you have to learn to stop it.


This is what i'm talking about

Thread: The Designer's Lounge


KroketVreter said at 6:12:
Hey Guys Please Check Out My Mission
I Really Hope You Give Me Feedback And Ratings


6-Don't use type in large font sizes & Dark colors

I Have seen this very often and trust me. If you like this, it won't attract anyone, they will just leave the thread cause its so annoying that you wouldn't even want to read it.

Thread: DYOM Mission: gangsters kill police


CJ DYOM posted at 3:53:
Hey Guys I Am CJ DYOM And This is My New Mission Called Gangsters Kill Police!!! Please Leave A Comment And Rating

If you want to decorate your thread then please request some GFX here



7-Post in English only

Yup, English. Even if your English is not perfect. We wouldn't mind as long as you post it properly.

1 or 2 Non English words are okay

for example


Thread: Comedy [single Mission]


Tico posted at 13:44:
Funny Mission!


Thread: Need Help for DYOM Machinima.


M-Ismael99 posted at 22:05:
Yeah, i could help!

Mijn patat vreter!

If you have made a spanish, french or any other Non English MP.

Then post the description in English even if your Mission is not in English.


8-No single Character posts and no Smileys only posts.

Do not post a single character


Thread: Most Funny Missions!


RijkeTata posted at 22:16


Thread: Do you like my mission?


Target13 posted at 15:43


Don't do it. Please.


9-No over swearing

Some people think that swearing will make them look cool.

Thread: The Last Soldier [MP]


ISeeTheVoid posted at 18:09:
Your mission is f*cking awesome man!
I Killed all those f*cking bitches! damn c*nts!
they were hard to kill but i did it cause i'm the motherf*cker!
i f*cked them really hard! they are all dead! great f*cking mission!

Its not respectful.


10-Be nice...please

Even if you dislike a mission then please leave a kind comment.

Never act like an asshole

Thread: My First Mission: War Of Vinewood


BBQEater7 posted at 5:02
Your mission sucks! you are a total noob man!
Your english is bad! The mission is very short.

You didn't hide actors. 1/5 :v:

Leaving a post like that would discourage the designer and will not support him to make another mission.

but if you post something like this...

Thread: My First Mission: War Of Vinewood


TheBlessingAngle posted at 16:59
Good story! but i did notice that there were
many grammar & spelling errors but its okay since
you don't speak english very well. Also, i recommend
watching DYOM tutorials so you can make professional missions.
Oh and try adding more objectives to make the mission longer.
But for the rest, good job! This is how we all start. Small.
Looking forward to play your upcoming improved missions. :^:;)


They will not only feel glad that you gave feedback, but they will also try to correct their mistakes and make even better missions. And before you know it, you will be on their respect list.



Thanks for reading these tips. I Hope you become a very respected member!

I Will add more tips later...if i can think of any.


Edited by Target13Productions
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And add not to disrespect moderators or admins or any staff.

Btw its a great tut :-D

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Lol nice tips, Unfortunately most of those should be common sense, but people still do those things.


There are probably a dozen more that could be added, but I don't know lot of them on the top of my head :p.


One of the ones that is not very common, but I did it once, is not to advertise your missions or mission pack in someone else's thread.


Example : Hey! Nice job, on the mission pack, but can you check out my missions at this link.."


Designer's lounge is a good place for that. It is just kind of disrespectful a bit, and kind of pushes some people away, if you advertise your MP in another person's Mission pack thread.


Like I said, I haven't seen it done in awhile, or I haven't bothered to look for it.

If you want something more important is to not create threads just to ask a question that can be solved in 1 or 2 replies.



DYOM user creates a thread


"How do I add animations to actors and players?"- as the topic


Post- So I was wondering how to make an animation for a player and an actor!? Please help!



Lounge and tutorial guides for that. :p

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Em... well, in part I agree with you with this post, but believe that some who are new will still doing those things of the list, including me hahaha xD

But... I see your point, there are some kind of people that use common sense to write in the forums; some of the tips that you mentioned in that list are annoying but that doesn't means that no one could express himself as he knows, maybe they are from somewhere else or they're new in forum websites. DYOM don't need to be just like school, if you want to express yourself like that, you can do it but also avoid the critics and that kind of things, you understand what I'm saying?

I'm not saying that you shouldn't do this list, cause it's really nice and it shows what kind of things make some people annoyed. But take care of that, because nobody is perfect :p

And another thing I forgot... for example: I reply every post that someone makes in my topic cause I like to thank people for playing, I appreciate it :p Cause there are people that thinks "Oh, I played the whole mission pack, and he doesn't even read my critics, I putted 5 stars in every mission and he didn't care? f*ck it!" that's why I reply in every post :p

Edited by Martin_GDF
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  • 2 weeks later...

Only read a little bit of these, good points, but the format needs to be improved, looks messy and I got lost.

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Huzaifa khan

Nice guide T13 you show great points for newbies in the forums :)

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"Post in English only"

these italians/spanish/Brazilians never learn, almost all of the missions on gtagames are not in english. and that's goddamn annoying.

and the worst part is that their mission name is english.

Edited by StuntmanDYOM
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Only read a little bit of these, good points, but the format needs to be improved, looks messy and I got lost.

Actually everything was more organized & the thread looked better.

But there was a limit of quotes :/

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"Post in English only"

these italians/spanish/Brazilians never learn, almost all of the missions on gtagames are not in english. and that's goddamn annoying.

and the worst part is that their mission name is english.


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And add not to disrespect moderators or admins or any staff.

Btw its a great tut :-D


Not only admins or staff, don't disrespect anyone.

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"Post in English only"

these italians/spanish/Brazilians never learn, almost all of the missions on gtagames are not in english. and that's goddamn annoying.

and the worst part is that their mission name is english.



It is an English forum. And language and race are completely different, so this is not racist.

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