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I found out what a Gerald is

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Since I joined this lovely community, I have been hearing questions like "wtf is a gerald????" I've wondered about this too actually and decided to some research. Here's what I got:

A cool, sweet, fun, lovable guy, who always seems to be misunderstood. He can be romantic as well.

Guys like these are hard to find, because they are great to have around. Not only are they smart (like a nerd), but they have looks (like a model).

A typical Gerald would be found on a computer or phone in a chat room, or just online playing video games.
Wow, I've never met a guy like him before. He must be a Gerald.

Source: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Gerald&defid=4649918

I basically Googled "what is a gerald" and got that.

Sorry if this was known already.

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