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Karin Sultan location


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I've read the posts and looked in the areas (Harmony, docks, Salton Sea area) but still haven't found a Sultan. Any ideas on where they commonly spawn?

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They spawn around where Franklins Aunts House is and where his garage is in SP especially parked on the street his Aunt lives on found both of mine there. Also you can try the prison car park. As well as the lot across from Sandy Shores LSC. Try driving a sports class car and changing sessions.

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They spawn around where Franklins Aunts House is and where his garage is in SP especially parked on the street his Aunt lives on found both of mine there. Also you can try the prison car park. As well as the lot across from Sandy Shores LSC. Try driving a sports class car and changing sessions.

Awesome, thank you.

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try the prison parking area. sometimes they're there. i got one by doing find new session continuosly until it spawned in the area.

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You can't buy them now? Thought I saw them. I got mine by driving the futo around

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there is a canyon with a river thru it just north of the Fort that spawns a youga van, camper van, and sultan along the banks


grab a heli and make sweeping runs thru the canyon until it spawns, as a reference point, use the bridge near the ocean and the people fishing as markers of where to turn and go back the other way


sorry about not being able to supply a map atm

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Not 100% on this, but I believe they spawn occasionally in the large parking lot in front of Beeker's Garage in northern Paleto Bay.

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You can't buy them now? Thought I saw them. I got mine by driving the futo around

You can't, I tried.


So it sounds like the prison parking lot is the general consensus. If I don't find it there I will check out that river valley.

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You can't buy them now? Thought I saw them. I got mine by driving the futo around

You can't, I tried.


So it sounds like the prison parking lot is the general consensus. If I don't find it there I will check out that river valley.



i can always just give you a sultan if you cant find one....ddnt know if you were into the receiving dupped cars thing

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You can't buy them now? Thought I saw them. I got mine by driving the futo around

You can't, I tried.


So it sounds like the prison parking lot is the general consensus. If I don't find it there I will check out that river valley.



i can always just give you a sultan if you cant find one....ddnt know if you were into the receiving dupped cars thing


If I get stuck, I might hit you up. Psn or XBL?


Not against it, i have a Buffalo mk II, I just like finding them too. Fun to hunt... gives me something to do.

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DS Monkfish

try the prison parking area. sometimes they're there. i got one by doing find new session continuosly until it spawned in the area.


This. I've had a few Sultans - both characters had one, traded them in and missed driving them so needed to replace 'em. Found all of them in the prison parking lot using the "switch session" method.

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I've found a couple driving right in front of the LSC by the airport. And another driving by the arena.

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I often find them on the road of the Custom shop in Sandy Shores.

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I often find them on the road of the Custom shop in Sandy Shores.


^This, I saw about 20 pass by me on that road yesterday, got a nice SultanRS for my second character.

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go into an invite only session, and keep going in and out of the sandy shores LSC until sultans spawn as traffic, much faster than switching sessions and much less risky lol

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go into an invite only session, and keep going in and out of the sandy shores LSC until sultans spawn as traffic, much faster than switching sessions and much less risky lol

I could keep on pulling my gun out in the store across the street there, get a bunch of RP as well... brilliant.

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I found mine driving around in tongva valley. I could not find a sultan in any of the suggested spawn locations.

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I found mine driving around in tongva valley. I could not find a sultan in any of the suggested spawn locations.

Hmmm.... that's where they say the "Snipe" is...

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