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Warning to ALL Turismo Owners!

Aero Dynamo

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Aero Dynamo

Careful all Turismo Owners! There are people saying around that and sending out warnings. Apparently after using the Turismo for some time people noticed smoke coming out of the engine bay or the car suddenly coming to a stop. Then see fire coming out. Sometimes the car suddenly blows up when driving at high speeds.




1: "Mostly all maxed out Turismo's are catching Fire and the Engine Explodes killing you."


2: "Some people have noticed that the Turismos have started Catching Fire for No Reason!"

Edited by Aero Dynamo
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This thread makes me cringe. Its a game, nobody cares. And vids or it didnt happen. Drive mine all the time and no such thing happened.

Edited by Ne0nLiteZ
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Probably has to do with it scraping the ground. I've heard that if you lower the suspension to it's max it even scrapes just leaving LSC.


I'll keep my Entity.

Edited by XJpostman
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if this is true it might be from setting the suspension all the way and the car scraping the floor and taking little damage until boom but that's just my opinion

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This would be so awesome if it was real.


Unfortunately I drive my Turismo at full speed fully maxed and it never has happened.

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Probably an issue with the intake manifold... should have spent more time road-testing. These lawsuits are going to add up and the loss of life will be a PR nightmare, sounds like it's time for another bailout!

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probably just the too low suspension issue. it damages your car every time you come out of LSC with fully modded suspension, so i guess you also catch some damage while driving around.could be a case for edward norton's fight club character.7


Edit: ninja'd

Edited by King S0lo
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Careful all Turismo Owners! There are people saying around that and sending out warnings. Apparently after using the Turismo for some time people noticed smoke coming out of the engine bay or the car suddenly coming to a stop. Then people see fire coming out. Sometimes the car suddenly blows up when driving at high speeds.




1: "Mostly all maxed out Turismo's are catching Fire and the Engine Explodes killing you."


2: "Some people have noticed that the Turismos have started Catching Fire for No Reason!"


is this happening on Xbox or something??? I'm on ps3 and have never seen most if not all of the problems you all have had it seems,, no people in my garage no random objects obstructing my way in free roam, it's very odd to see other people experience this and never seeing it just makes it hard for some to believe ,, I wish anyone with issues luck in a solution. Just try to enjoy gta and have fun that's all that counts in the end,, good luck with your random explosions..
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This would be so awesome if it was real.


Unfortunately I drive my Turismo at full speed fully maxed and it never has happened.

Indeed, this would be awesome if real.


An example of real physics simulation in the game, objects interacting in physical ways that are consistent but not anticipated and not gltichy. This is the heart of a good virtual simulation. We need more stuff like this. :^:

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This would be so awesome if it was real.


Unfortunately I drive my Turismo at full speed fully maxed and it never has happened.

Indeed, this would be awesome if real.


An example of real physics simulation in the game, objects interacting in physical ways that are consistent but not anticipated and not gltichy. This is the heart of a good virtual simulation. We need more stuff like this. :^:


Next stop, Holodeck!

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probably just the too low suspension issue. it damages your car every time you come out of LSC with fully modded suspension, so i guess you also catch some damage while driving around.could be a case for edward norton's fight club character.7


Edit: ninja'd

this makes sense , possibly havin the car fully lowered and driving it for an extended time going over curbs and other high items that may be hitting the undercarriage of the vehicle causing unseen damage? Edited by Sushi__Wolf
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Lmao the "mostly all" part and "some people" cracked me up.



A couple of his dumb friends refers to both those quotes.

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I can't even enter the sidewalk cuz of the lowness, so scraping sound logical. Never had it burning tho so can't cnfirm OP

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This would be so awesome if it was real.


Unfortunately I drive my Turismo at full speed fully maxed and it never has happened.

Indeed, this would be awesome if real.


An example of real physics simulation in the game, objects interacting in physical ways that are consistent but not anticipated and not gltichy. This is the heart of a good virtual simulation. We need more stuff like this. :^:



Just imagine, You pulling up to a group of people to see what they're doing without seeing a single X there meaning that they aren't just having a war, and suddenly your car explodes out of nowhere?

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Oh my god, I actually kinda hope that's true, haha. That'd be so funny, cars breaking down or exploding. Not constantly, just every now and then~

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Just like the Canyonero: top of the line in utility sports, unexplained fires are a matter for the courts! Yaaah canyonerooo!!

Edited by FasterThanYou
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Oh my god, I actually kinda hope that's true, haha. That'd be so funny, cars breaking down or exploding. Not constantly, just every now and then~

haha I've ha several that I've killed, you gotta beat them up though its not random like I am assuming you mean.
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I can confirm OP is'nt lieing . i was doing rr and my turismo caught fire ( looked awesome ) however i exited . btw .. before the dlc my entity and vacca were catching fire alot so its not fake

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Don't worry guys, its just the superglue that holds the parts together is burning, Grotti will handle it if you go to a Certified Grotti Service Shop.

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I'm glad people get the joke

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I'd laugh so hard if I saw a Turismo suddenly blowing up. Even if it was mine, because it would be totally unexpected and funny as hell. And I wouldn't even be mad because that 6k is easily gained back by doing 1 round of RR x]

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Next you're gonna tell me Sandkings are bending in half!

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Don't worry guys, its just the superglue that holds the parts together is burning, Grotti will handle it if you go to a Certified Grotti Service Shop.

They'll duct tape the parts back on for a small fee of $3000.

Still awaiting that gangbang...

How and where do I sign up?

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