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Where do i get the Vestra jet in singleplayer?


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I pretty much only play online, im not really used to buying things with single player characters. I read somewhere that its automatically added to your hangar, is this right?

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It is in single player. For multi player you would be best to post in the online forum

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Huang Leeroy

If you bought an airport hangar, thats where it'll be.

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I'm asking about single player.


i dont have hangars purchased with michael or franklin yet, im only at around 25% completion. If i play as trevor will it be in his hangar already? or do i have to buy it first, same as you would in online?

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Sussus Amongus

Please post all the questions you have about GTA V in the pinned Q&A thread. Just trying to clean up the Forums :D.

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Go to the airport hangar and press right on the D-pad to select the Vestra. It will always spawn, even if you purchase hangars with Michael of Franklin.

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If i play as trevor will it be in his hangar already? or do i have to buy it first, same as you would in online?


Yes it will be Trevors hangar, even if you do not own any airport hangars. As Wildbrick says, use the D Pad to select if you have other aircraft there.

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Lethal Vaccine


If i play as trevor will it be in his hangar already? or do i have to buy it first, same as you would in online?


Yes it will be Trevors hangar, even if you do not own any airport hangars. As Wildbrick says, use the D Pad to select if you have other aircraft there.



And when he does, byebye to whatever he had stored there. That is something they need to fix. Everything you STEAL should be YOURS and go into the D-Pad list of items. I am tired of reloading my game after I am done using my Tank, to get back my Lazer. f*cking wack system they have for the helipad/hangers. What is nice, though, is they respawn. Which reminds me how stupid the garage system is. If boats, planes, helicopters respawn, why not the cars in your 4 car garage respawn?


I just want to know who the hell is coming up with these wackass ideas over at Rockstar?!

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That's a really annoying glitch, so I recommend if you really want to use the Vestra, make sure you have nothing else in the hangar.

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Lethal Vaccine

That's a really annoying glitch, so I recommend if you really want to use the Vestra, make sure you have nothing else in the hangar.


It's not a glitch or a bug, it's how they designed the system for the hanger and helipad. Stolen items will respawn, and remain on the helipad, or in the hanger, but once you switch to something you bought or was given to you in a DLC, whatever you had stolen, disappears. It's a sh*tty faulty system and not a glitch.


I would say to just reload if he wants to use the hanger. Cuz then he'll always have the Vestra (among other items he bought) AND what he stole. It's what I been doing since October. Just reloading after I am done with my Tank, Crusader, Barracks, Vestra to get back my fully modded Lazer.

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If i play as trevor will it be in his hangar already? or do i have to buy it first, same as you would in online?


Yes it will be Trevors hangar, even if you do not own any airport hangars. As Wildbrick says, use the D Pad to select if you have other aircraft there.



And when he does, byebye to whatever he had stored there.


Oh god yes, that's true.


I've gone through more Buzzards that way than I care to remember.... :/

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Lethal Vaccine




If i play as trevor will it be in his hangar already? or do i have to buy it first, same as you would in online?


Yes it will be Trevors hangar, even if you do not own any airport hangars. As Wildbrick says, use the D Pad to select if you have other aircraft there.



And when he does, byebye to whatever he had stored there.


Oh god yes, that's true.


I've gone through more Buzzards that way than I care to remember.... :/



That is why it's honestly best to just buy it for all three characters, it's the exact same as the one you steal from FZ or NOOSE HQ. Having it always in the D-Pad list of items makes me happy as I know it will always be there and NEVER disappear. For helipads, I don't think there is anything better than the Buzzard Attack Chopper, so I bought it for all three characters. But what I have out on each is the Police Riot for Franklin (save editor), Titan on Trevor's helipad (save editor), and Skylift on Michael's helipad (save editor). For the hangers I got the Lazer for Michael, FIB Buffalo for Trevor (fully modded, and again, with the editor) and the Unmarked Cruiser for Franklin full modded (save editor). It's nice having these, as when they respawn, they still keep their mods, and I never lose the vehicles. They respawn like helicopters, boats, and planes do.

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