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Stainer Vs. Washington

Hanshot 420th

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Hanshot 420th

I am looking for a Sedan for racing purposes...I like these two cruisers and am too lazy to do my own reserch.


In everyone's opinion what is the better of these 2 cars?

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Between those two; the Washington, but seriously, the Karin Intruder or Cheval Fugitive are both better.

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Washington, because I'm biased to a time when it was the FIB's sedan of choice. :cry:

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FYI, it's "Stanier."


I like the Washington, too, but I'm still partial to the Albany Premier among sedans.

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I'm in the Stanier camp, it's still got a good top speed and great handling. The Washington always feels big on the road to me with such a long wheelbase.

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A Maned Wolf

FYI, it's "Stanier."


I like the Washington, too, but I'm still partial to the Albany Premier among sedans.

Damn, thought I was the only one who drives the Premier.

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I have both fully modded and they are very close but, the stanier seems more nimble. The washington is a tough SOB though.




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The Vapid Stanier, it was the Police Cruiser in GTA IV. It is a powerful tool when operated by someone who knows what they're doing.

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originally thought this was a political thread....

"Stainer" does make for good politician surname :D

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@Nivak what color is that Stanier? I might repaint my detective variant into that paint, looks nice!

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I love both of these cars as they're based on Ford's Panther platform (which my first car IRL was a 98 Crown Vic LX). Stanier is my favorite sedan in the game, and was my first car in the game.

But... With all of that said, if you're looking for the better racer then I would say that car is the Washington. I've done dozens of sedan races and the Washington is the best car in that class. Only time I would lose it would be to Washingtons. Doesn't look like it'd be a good racer in that class, but it is.

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The Washington has real great handling so thats why it's quick, it takes corners like it is on rails.

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@Nivak what color is that Stanier? I might repaint my detective variant into that paint, looks nice!

Thanks! I believe it's metallic black steel with the default pearl.

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I love both of these cars as they're based on Ford's Panther platform (which my first car IRL was a 98 Crown Vic LX). Stanier is my favorite sedan in the game, and was my first car in the game.


But... With all of that said, if you're looking for the better racer then I would say that car is the Washington. I've done dozens of sedan races and the Washington is the best car in that class. Only time I would lose it would be to Washingtons. Doesn't look like it'd be a good racer in that class, but it is.


I've always only used the Schafter (my car of choice for a "Sedan" in my garage) for what few races of that class I've competed in. They were so long ago.


How do say the Primo, Stratum and Super Diamond measure up in a race against these two?

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