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False Kindness/Ulterior Motive


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I can see your point OP but it was a good deed nonetheless.

What should upset you, along these lines, are charities with 80% overhead costs, or "non-profit" organizations like the NFL (National Football League) who are tax-exempt, or ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) masquerading as a non-profit when in reality their only objective is to subvert democracy and privatize everything.

These are the real goons with ulterior motives, $$$

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False Charity has been around since 1917 in the United States of America.

If the other less well to do tax payers have to bear the brunt of paying a percentage of their earnings, but the 'rich' can give away a small part of theirs and thus reduce the amount of taxes they pay, who is actually donating to 'Charity'?


"Giving" a 1,000$US to a single poor person does what? Buy him a lasting home or even a lease to an apartment?

A thousand dollars is what in the real world? A single weeks pay for a worker, or a months income for the Retired average former worker? And then what...?


A thousand Lottery Tickets?

How many pints of Vodka or Gin?

Edited by lil weasel
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