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How R* can put an end to glitchers as we know it....


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Well we all know glitchers are part of GTA online, in their current form it's mostly glitching cars via SP to MP and using a lag switch whatever that is, nothing we can do about them.


But they way it can be stopped is by making GTA online only playable via a seperate disc and phase out playing online via the GTAV disc. The disc would be free.


Yes this will mean R* sending out millions of discs to retail outlets or being ordered via their website, I'm sure there are some other factors to take into account with this idea, but it could also mean more revenue for them too, because the free online disc would be able to be 'purchased' by anyone with the relevant console meaning people who have never brought GTA V can now play GTA online and with many more people then playing GTA online then it's more customers to buy their cashcards.


The possibility to switch to SP from MP would be ended because once the disc is removed from the tray then their game stops playing.


Just for the record I have nothing against glitchers persay, they don't affect my time online, but I am against what they stand for which is making easy money, which I feel is all down to the 'I want in now' generation we seem to have in our world.


Sure I could glitch but to be brutally honest I don't really care about making loads of money, I enjoy the game.

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Nope two disc's won't work ever hear of hot swapping. You can change disc's without stopping the tray. I'm sure glitching would still happen. Also this idea is too complicated and complex. They would have to put the entire coding on another disc s the map would have to be transferred

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Well we all know glitchers are part of GTA online, in their current form it's mostly glitching cars via SP to MP and using a lag switch whatever that is, nothing we can do about them.


But they way it can be stopped is by making GTA online only playable via a seperate disc and phase out playing online via the GTAV disc. The disc would be free.


Yes this will mean R* sending out millions of discs to retail outlets or being ordered via their website, I'm sure there are some other factors to take into account with this idea, but it could also mean more revenue for them too, because the free online disc would be able to be 'purchased' by anyone with the relevant console meaning people who have never brought GTA V can now play GTA online and with many more people then playing GTA online then it's more customers to buy their cashcards.


The possibility to switch to SP from MP would be ended because once the disc is removed from the tray then their game stops playing.


Just for the record I have nothing against glitchers persay, they don't affect my time online, but I am against what they stand for which is making easy money, which I feel is all down to the 'I want in now' generation we seem to have in our world.


Sure I could glitch but to be brutally honest I don't really care about making loads of money, I enjoy the game.



or jsut a download from PSN/XBstore ... so ratehr than having it on the GTAV disc, if you own the GTAV disc and go to the PSN/XBox store you can download Online for free, and play it without the 5 disc in the console, hell theres 8g of info on my ps3 from instaslling gtav which would be used for GTA:o, but there would be no more sp-mp...


although thats not the only glitch, the content creator "load props anywhere" glitch is also a bit of a kick in the metaphorical dick.

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Jesus Christ OP, you think a company with thousands of staff, R&D, knowledge, experience and cash might have overlooked or even care about some internet forum guy's wet f*cking dream?


Please confirm you aren't that f*cking stupid.

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Just look at the YouTubers they upload the same sh*t, I think their all the same person :panic:

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Too much work. Rockstar isn't going to put the time or money to do this because it will costs them shipping fees and the making of these dics and any other things.

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Jesus Christ OP, you think a company with thousands of staff, R&D, knowledge, experience and cash might have overlooked or even care about some internet forum guy's wet f*cking dream?


Please confirm you aren't that f*cking stupid.


as much as your posts make me laugh, id hate to see you reply to one of my threads...



also just noticed your signature... are you canadian eh? or are you scottish ken?

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No way they would do that. If the disc was free they would lose loads of money.


It's a good thought, but totally unrealistic.

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Perhaps I'm missing something but what will another disc do to help combat glitching?

To load story mode you would need the story disc.
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You say free disc and all I hear is I'm getting a cool new frisbee...

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Tyrellius Maximus

You say free disc and all I hear is I'm getting a cool new frisbee...

Fun distractions are fun. funny-gif-CD-fire-burn-blow.gif

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Glitchers inject more illegal money into the fake gta economy. There could be another recession without that influx of dirty cash.. :p

You wouldn't want that. Would you?

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Jesus Christ OP, you think a company with thousands of staff, R&D, knowledge, experience and cash might have overlooked or even care about some internet forum guy's wet f*cking dream?


Please confirm you aren't that f*cking stupid.

Your reply doesn't even have any relevance whatsoever to the thread.

I will only confirm I'm not stupid once you do. So I guess my confirmation will never arrive.

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