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1.11 freezing?

Dr Murder

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Well as the title says since the update I freeze up even tho I have never froze before!!

Any body else getting this?

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Games like GTA start to freeze after a while... Did you try clearing your system cache?

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I have never done this so how to you clean out your system cache?


I assume it is in the Systems settings on the PS3?

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Pagan Lowrider

my console never froze on GTA prior to 1.11...now it happens daily,usually 2-3 times

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Happening to me too. Not before 1.11. My game will freeze for about 5-10 seconds and then go back to normal.

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Happening to me too. Not before 1.11. My game will freeze for about 5-10 seconds and then go back to normal.

yeah me too i love the whole it doesnt boot you to gta5 story mode it just sends you to a different session

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White Shark

Mine's been freezing up more lately as well. As in completely locked up, not just lagging. Clearly a glitch from the newest update.

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Since the 1.10 update going into a Job and immediately after as it loads the screen where you vote on the next job or free roam, I get stuck in the clouds for like 20 seconds or so, sometimes a little longer. I'm on X Box and would attempt to delete system cache, but I'd need to be sure it doesn't effect any game progress, cause if it did I'd just deal with the clouds.

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Happened to me TWICE yesterday. After I was leaving my apartment the screen went black(Didn't go out yet) and it was frozen. Later after a mission the loading screen froze

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Twice here too.. Hope they get that resolved... Be a bummer if I can't play this.


Wondered for a while if it were my sh*tty router , but, not getting booted, just freezing...

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Ever since Online's release I'd either get a full freeze, or that dreaded solid color screen with the tiny lines on my 360 occasionally. Hasn't happened in any other game on my 360...

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Since the 1.10 update going into a Job and immediately after as it loads the screen where you vote on the next job or free roam, I get stuck in the clouds for like 20 seconds or so, sometimes a little longer. I'm on X Box and would attempt to delete system cache, but I'd need to be sure it doesn't effect any game progress, cause if it did I'd just deal with the clouds.

That's what I get after almost every job, but I get like 45 seconds+. You can delete all the cache stuff without losing any character info, I used it when I froze prior to 1.10 and it worked fine.
Edited by JiNX77
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Agreed. Also to clarify I have complete lock freeze . Turn off type freeze

Never had that before . Maybe the game can't handle the update yet

Well at least for a few of us

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I freeze too, sometimes when loading a new session it freezes up and I have to turn my PS3 off and back on, other times it freezes mid game and then unfreezes usually resulting in me being either killed or crashed.

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while in my garage, I tried to use the browser via phone. game froze had to do a system reboot. ps3

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I've been freezing too lately.

Always at a bad time too. :(

How do you clear cache on Xbox slim?

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I've been freezing too lately.

Always at a bad time too. :(

How do you clear cache on Xbox slim?

^Yeah, how?

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Everytime I play solo to sell cars, rob trucks or do gang attacks for a bit of easy money and free ammo, my game normally freezes within 2 hours. Yesterday after doing a mission solo, I selected another mission at the replay/mission select screen and the game froze. Turned 360 off and booted it back up, selected solo mode and the game froze again. I have also noticed a large increase in the number of bugged trains appearing in solo mode too since 1.11.

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Yup,ps3 freezing like a mutha since the 1.11 update, clearing the cache, deleting the game, reinstalling, checking corruptions of game and console plus everything R* advise does nothing but waste a whole heap of time!

All other games I have play with no issues so stop blaming the player R* and fix this LATEST mess up!

Edited by EKG
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was freezing on ps3 all I had to do was delete and them reinstall the patch and so far nomore freezing

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Complete console freeze every few minutes. sh*t is retarded.

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Elder Maxson

I thought it was just me. I was this close to smashing my gta 5 disc and buying a new one. Rockstar needs to fix this, cuz this is the reasons we don't have heists yet.

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