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How to avoid being spun out during races


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1) Avoid the inevitable carnage at the start of the race. Either hang back or drive far to one side. you will be less likely to get smashed into and will soon be able to overtake all the crashed vehicles.


2) Racers who spin you out will normally come from behind and try push the back of your car. Glance at the radar every so often so you can anticipate if someone is approaching you.


3) * Golden Rule!... If you get caught and someone starts pushing the back of your car out, LET GO OF THE ACCELERATOR... This will help stabilise you. letting go of the accelerator slows you down and will make the other vehicle overtake you. As he overtakes you, he will begin pushing the front of your vehicle, not the back. This will push you back on track.


4) If someone is pushing the back of your vehicle, DON'T be tempted to push him back. This will only assist him in spinning you out because as you push into him with the front of your car, he is pushing out the back of your car.


5) Block him from overtaking you... Look at the radar and steer your car in his way so that he hits your rear bumper and pushes you forward. This will prevent him from coming up beside you and spinning you out.


6) Don't overtake people on the outside when you go around a corner.... This makes life to easy for the other guy to ram into you before you get round the corner... Either overtake people on the inside when going round corners, or wait until the corner is complete.


7) Stay away from cliff edges, large drops, walls, barriers etc... The temptation for the other guy to try bump you off the edge or into the barrier is high in these situations.


8) If you want a clean race, don't spin others out, as this strategy is more likely to lead you crashing yourself if you get it wrong.... Not to mention the fact that other players will be more likely to seek revenge on you later on in the race.


9) Practice.

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Yeah just hitting the brake with the right timing when someone tries to fishtail ya mostly ends up in them spinning out instead

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Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely be using some of those when next I race with people.

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Tali vas Normandy

Yeah just hitting the brake with the right timing when someone tries to fishtail ya mostly ends up in them spinning out instead

Yeah and when they slowly start trying to pit by grinding on your back side, let go of the gas and start turning the other directions. Its a good tatic to stop you from spinning out. Hell sometimes even they spin out


Nice post op.

I play lots of races and still picked up a few thingd myself :)

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Yeah just hitting the brake with the right timing when someone tries to fishtail ya mostly ends up in them spinning out instead

Yeah and when they slowly start trying to pit by grinding on your back side, let go of the gas and start turning the other directions. Its a good tatic to stop you from spinning out. Hell sometimes even they spin out


Nice post op.

I play lots of races and still picked up a few thingd myself :)



Really? From my experience it seemed best to keep up my speed. Reducing it seemed to spin me out more frequently, but maybe I wasn't turning the right direction to counter (or just trying to stay straight when slowing down). I will need to try this out later.

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Or turn catchup off and let them knock each other out while you drive by their twisted remains....


Seriously though, good advice all around. The stay back and let em kill each other is always a good idea. Though some guys (re:Most) aren't even it for a win. They are just trolling races out of boredom or something. Catch up is the real bane, because even if you do get by em they easily catch up and you spend more time trying to defend yourself than actually racing.....

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I always find breaking slightly will make them overtake you... Slipstream them and you're back ahead... Obviously time it before the finish line

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The best way to avoid getting crashed or spun is to snap dat ass.


Ya.. you can try to absorb it, by letting off the throttle and keep it straight.. You can even allow them pas at and pit themselves.



But nothing works better then snapping dat ass right when they come for you. Im not sure how explain it.



But a good snap will send them flying off the road and give you a speed boost. :D

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Last night (on my own track mind you) had a level 160 guy (Im only level 90) try to pit me multiple times. Him and his Adder were sorely mistaken and within 2 miles, was out of the race. Guess he didnt notice catch up was off....I swear watching these guys spin around and bounce off the track is almost funny enough to slow down and watch from the rear view...

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Tali vas Normandy




Yeah just hitting the brake with the right timing when someone tries to fishtail ya mostly ends up in them spinning out instead

Yeah and when they slowly start trying to pit by grinding on your back side, let go of the gas and start turning the other directions. Its a good tatic to stop you from spinning out. Hell sometimes even they spin out


Nice post op.

I play lots of races and still picked up a few thingd myself :)


Really? From my experience it seemed best to keep up my speed. Reducing it seemed to spin me out more frequently, but maybe I wasn't turning the right direction to counter (or just trying to stay straight when slowing down). I will need to try this out later.

Actually you might be right but I think both my work well.


The important part is to be turning the other direction while its happens

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90% of races are won on the first two and last two corners. I prefer to be in last place going into the first corner and 2nd coming to the end of the track. Hopefully I drive around the pile up at the beginning and overtake the leader at the end. That's pretty much my racing technique on all racing games.

Edited by MrCamo
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90% of races are won on the first two and last two corners. I prefer to be in last place going into the first corner and 2nd coming to the end of the track. Hopefully I drive around the pile up at the beginning and overtake the leader at the end. That's pretty much my racing technique on all racing games.


You're right about being in 2nd coming to the end of a track, which is proof why slipstream is the lamest thing not named catchup!

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Good advice. But, your choice of vehicle matters too. I have always had a hard time in super races with my bullet. It being so light, It was very hard to keep on the road, when being rammed at high speeds. So, a heavier car will help too.

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when im racing usually if a car is right on my tail and is obviously faster than mine i pull to one side to let them past but still they mostly just spin me out anyway.... total idiots

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Black & White

1) Avoid the inevitable carnage at the start of the race. Either hang back or drive far to one side. you will be less likely to get smashed into and will soon be able to overtake all the crashed vehicles.


That's what I do. :^:


Even when I do get slammed, I slam back and they leave the game. They end up calling me a cheat, yet I wasn't the one that f*cking started it.

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Theres tons of different tricks to dealing with PITing, clean and dirty.

The Z-Type taught me how to do that snap dat ass thing Voodoo's talking about.

There was this one time I was racing, and some ass in a Roosevelt was trying to PIT me, but as he attempted to hit me, my Z-Type hit a bump or something and it swings right a bit (\) and then swings back really hard (\ -> | -> /), bashes the Roosevelt, and sends it flying in the opposite direction, it was so awesome.

Edited by I3AZZAI2
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