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Do you consider GTA:O canon to the HD era?


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I've been thinking through this, and no way do I personally feel that the missions and events of Online should be considered canon to the HD era.


My main reason being that their are just too many variables, such as there being no set character with a personality to perform these tasks.


Secondly, there's the fact that somehow this one person mainly associates themselves with the (almost unconncected) contacts that three particular men all somehow came to know within the months ahead.


And third, (and admitidly my weakest point) is that Trevor never goes out and does stuff for his own business, despite the fact in the story he seems very adament on doing everything himself.


So my question is, do you consider the events and story to GTA Online canon to the HD era?

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can someone tell me what canon IS?


If it counts toward the story, and is considered as part of the story, it's canon.


If it's, like, fan-made, or doesn't count towards the story (e.g. main character dies while in the story the character is still alive), then it's not canon.

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Canon is when it fits into the storyline and background of the rest of it, in this case he is saying that he doesn't think the events in GTA Online are neccesarily in the same 'universe' as the storyline of GTA IV, Lost And Damned, Gay Tony and V.


edit: ninja'd x(


And yeah, I agree. I don't think we're meant to think of it as canon. If Trevor knew of all the tanks and mayhem going around, he would probably join in.

Edited by leonsilavant
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Special Agent 25

yes i suppose, its meant to be set before the events of gta 5 hence martin's house intact.

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The Lonesome Drifter

Can someone tell me what HD era is?

The current storyline for GTA. Begins with GTA IV and contains it's episodes, Chinatown wars (only gta game I've never played) and GTA V.


The Ps2/Xbox era of gta games, dubbed the "3D era" is completely seperate from the HD era storyline, only references (hood safari...), companies (such as cluckin bell) and celebs (lazlow, Fernando and Love Fist) have carried over.

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Sorta. It's supposed to be happening alongside the main story. Trevor goes out and does all the main events himself while the henchmen and women (Us) are around doing the side stuffs. It would also explain how Simeon has so many cars on his lot.

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Lester mentions a "silent, but unpredictable" person he used to work with when considering Heist partners.


I think it's safe to say our character (or at least the GTA Online Character basis) is canon.

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Can someone tell me what HD era is?

GTA is split into seperate eras (time sets)

For example, GTA: San Andreas is the 3D era version of GTA V, which is the HD version.

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I think months later when Trevor sees what f$&kups we all are. He decides to take care of sh*t himself and bring TPI to the top of the crime game in Los Santos and Blaine.. :p

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Alec Skorpio

I think it's supposed to be canon, but some of the missions and other things don't fit with the storyline well if you think about it

- Lester is supposed to be this all knowing computer hacker who watches your every move in GTA Online, yet he has no idea that Trevor lives in Sandy Shores.

- Lester also has you steal a sh*t ton of military equipment and other stuff, which doesn't factor into GTA V at all.


- You steal a Cargobob for Trevor Phillips Industries, yet in the GTA V you need to steal/buy another Cargobob AS Trevor for a heist at some point.

- Most of Trevors missions involve sending you out to do nothing but kill The Lost and f*ck up their operations, but it's only after he kills Johnny that the Lost have a vendetta against him in GTA V.


- Simeon runs a car theft ring and sends you out to blow up car dealerships and shipments, but in GTA V he is a legit car dealer (albeit running a credit scam) and Franklin believes working for him is "honest work".


It seems like the higher your levels go, the less and less the missions make sense in comparison to GTA V.

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It's canon in my head, I only do the missions that aren't ridiculous. I play mostly in solo so it's believable to me, I wish we had a storyline and got to work alongside Trevor, Franklin, and Michael as ourselves.

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