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Thank you Rockstar!


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No more waiting for one prick to cast his vote at the vote screen when everyone else has voted!


Thank you!!! <3<3

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Yay , a positive thread about thanking R* :^:

Edited by Gta-freak-VI
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Just so you know...sometimes that prick on the other end not voting is stuck in a loading screen. Now when they finally come out, instead of a vote screen they will be sitting at a betting screen wondering what track and what car they will be about to race with.

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Gran Feft Orto

It's too quick now imo. I don't even have time to look at each job and decide which one to pick before im being launched into something. Yes it was slow before, but I think they should have just cut the time down rather than going with the majority system they've changed to.

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Yea what If I gotta sh*t all the f*cks I gave during that last race? I'd at least like some input.

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Because it was SUCH a long wait before, Poor OP

Look do you even know the endless amount of in-game activities OP could have done if he wasn't waiting.




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Because it was SUCH a long wait before, Poor OP

Yes, I hate time wasting pricks.

Spent more time waiting than playing, but you certainly love waiting I see

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Because it was SUCH a long wait before, Poor OP

Yes, I hate time wasting pricks.

Spent more time waiting than playing, but you certainly love waiting I see


Between lobbies is usually where I take the time to write my Rockstar fan mail to be quite honest.

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Because it was SUCH a long wait before, Poor OP

Yes, I hate time wasting pricks.

Spent more time waiting than playing, but you certainly love waiting I see


No, I just don't cry about 45 seconds that could be used to get Snacks, Take a break, Stretch, The list goes on.

Do you sit there jacked in your chair 24/7 playing GTA:O?

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Because it was SUCH a long wait before, Poor OP

Look do you even know the endless amount of in-game activities OP could have done if he wasn't waiting.








Damn I need glasses - old age...man it sucks

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It's too quick now imo. I don't even have time to look at each job and decide which one to pick before im being launched into something. Yes it was slow before, but I think they should have just cut the time down rather than going with the majority system they've changed to.



not like your vote would change anything

you can just back out of the lobby if you don't like the job or some setting.

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It's just lovely that people don't have time to stretch out, get snacks or jerk off anymore <3

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You've got time to stretch, walk the dog, engage in auto-erotic asphyxiation etc while the invitees are joining. Being able to hold everyone else up because you're doing so when they've already voted was ridiculous.

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It's too quick now imo. I don't even have time to look at each job and decide which one to pick before im being launched into something. Yes it was slow before, but I think they should have just cut the time down rather than going with the majority system they've changed to.

I agree with this idea but at least Rockstar have made the necessary change...at last!


I find the decision making of the developers rather slow and strange, to be honest. There are some very simple things that they have got very wrong throughout the first few months of GTA: O but I guess they'll get there given enough time? ...Maybe.

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