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Battlefield 4 - South China Sea help


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I've spent almost 90 minutes on this mission. How on earth do I get on the USS Valkyrie?!! The result will he in a broken disc soon.........


Help would be appreciated.

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Pilot the RHIB boat towards the Titan. Drive around the right side of the ship and into the hole. Disembark from the RHIB and follow your squad. You’re still a few minutes away from any combat so just keep moving in the only direction you can. Agent Kovic tells you to locate Hatch G-46. Unless you simply stand still you can’t miss it. Once located open the hatch and drop through to the water below.



Edited by GTA DUDE05
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I've done that already. I'm up to the part where you have to reach the USS after fleeing the sinking Titan. I destroy all the Chinese assault boats but nothing happens. I'm stuck behind the Valkyrie.

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I've done that already. I'm up to the part where you have to reach the USS after fleeing the sinking Titan. I destroy all the Chinese assault boats but nothing happens. I'm stuck behind the Valkyrie.

You have to destroy the chopper after you get rid of all the boats then the hatch of the back of the USS Valkrie will reopen.

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I remember the boats, I remember the chopper, I'm thinking you just need to walk to a certain area on the ship to activate the chopper to come in.

Edited by esmittystud101
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Happened to me before, to fix it I had to start the mission again and then when I got to the boat the chopper appeared and I was able to destroy it and get on the Valkyrie


I am a cock gobbler and I like to gobble cocks

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