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Looking To Increase CPU Voltage For Overclock


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Hey guys, I've got an i5 2550k running at 4.1GHz. Originally it was 3.4GHz, but I managed to overclock it to the new level by simply changing the numbers from 34 to 42 in the BIOS. I'm looking to overclock it to around 4.5-4.6GHz, although simply changing 42 to any higher (even 43) fails to boot Windows. It freezes part-way through loading, even though it doesn't overclock itself until I'm running a game, for example.


I believe I have to increase the voltage of the CPU for it to be more stable, but I'm having an issue. My VCore is set to auto, and I'm confused on what to do. I'm allowed to pick between -0.300 to around +0.600 (I believe? I may have got the decimal mixed up).


I don't suppose you guys could take me through the process of increasing the voltage? Thanks in advance.


My motherboard is a Gigabyte Z68MA-D2H-B3 if that helps.

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Well if you want to fry your motherboard then go ahead

this. if you don't know how to do it or search google on how to do it, than chances are you don't have enough cooling to do it.

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Why is my face your avatar?


And I thought you were banned, barelylegal

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Let's be honest, why not?

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