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Club/group for sport bikers?


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Mods if this is considered the wrong section just delete this thread.


Are there any clubs or groups of crotch rocket riders who operate the same way an outlaw MC does?


I see people riding sports bikes alot but there dont seem to be any MC's for them.


Just looking for a group who ride bikes together and do other things as well.


Sorry forgot to mention im on Xbox360

Edited by xIlIxGHOSTxIlIx
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I ride my bike from time to time. Both my dirtbike and sportbike. If you ever wanna go cruise around or whatever I'm down for it. I'll be on tomorrow night.


PSN: Dark_Spyder

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I just picked up a Nemesis and I have a Bagger that looks like a shovel head. I'm on Xbox my gt is TeagleBeagle I'm down to cruise

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Use the looking for a gang thread in the recruitment section

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