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In-game way to change license plates...

Drunken Cowboy

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Drunken Cowboy

It's bad enough they've restricted the option to a custom plate so long on iOS, and just recently Android.

I was lucky enough to have an iPhone, but I just put in some random characters on my custom plate thinking "Huh, if this actually works, I'll think of a cool plate for later".


But we can't change our custom plates after first entry? f*cking WHY?!

What is the God damn harm in that? I'd pay a good deal of in-game money for that.

We don't only need a way to change plates without downloading the iFruit app, but we also need multiple plate changes.

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Or the ability to use what ever plate we want... Currently, it's like a username, once someone has "BLANK" then it can no longer be used by anyone else forever...

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