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reminder 50% more rp


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I wish it was the other way around. I hate air races and I don't need RP. Cash in GTAO is always good to have.

Edited by JamesPnell
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So how much $$$ would winning in an air race give you after the 50% bonus? I don't even play races. I'm assuming it still wouldn't be any better than playing missions.

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I haven't played an air race since Dec.... what I remember you got like $300 and told to f*ck yourself after flying for 15 minutes because you actually wanted to fly some and did a few laps.


If the gods have been nice to you it might be better now.


else expect pennies on the dollar for what it should be paying.

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Will this be for user created content too?


Create a point to point drag race 3.06km long n do it in over 4 min should get you 4500 rp

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