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A new crew


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There are lots of racing crews, military crews and so on. Anyone fancy starting a sporting-based crew who concentrate on golf, tennis, arm-wrestling and darts?





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  • 4 weeks later...

What's the deal with the IGN crew? Nearly every mission and survival I take part in with other randoms has one of their members in it. I guess they accept anyone into their crew, 'cos every member I've seen seems to be a total prick with no skill and a wish to be Rambo, or maybe I've just been unlucky.

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Misanthrope Z

What's the deal with the IGN crew? Nearly every mission and survival I take part in with other randoms has one of their members in it. I guess they accept anyone into their crew, 'cos every member I've seen seems to be a total prick with no skill and a wish to be Rambo, or maybe I've just been unlucky.

it's 'cause IGN is just a general gaming website, not just GTA based


being that they just so happen to have a GTA crew, any asshole can get in.


besides, most IGN users are retarded anyway

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What's the deal with the IGN crew? Nearly every mission and survival I take part in with other randoms has one of their members in it. I guess they accept anyone into their crew, 'cos every member I've seen seems to be a total prick with no skill and a wish to be Rambo, or maybe I've just been unlucky.

it's 'cause IGN is just a general gaming website, not just GTA based


being that they just so happen to have a GTA crew, any asshole can get in.


besides, most IGN users are retarded anyway



Seems that way. They are usually the ones who push you out of cover in Boneyard so they can get your spot. Hate them. I don't like seeing more than one member of a crew in missions. I feel more at ease seeing fellow independant operators.

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What's the deal with the IGN crew? Nearly every mission and survival I take part in with other randoms has one of their members in it. I guess they accept anyone into their crew, 'cos every member I've seen seems to be a total prick with no skill and a wish to be Rambo, or maybe I've just been unlucky.

it's 'cause IGN is just a general gaming website, not just GTA based


being that they just so happen to have a GTA crew, any asshole can get in.


besides, most IGN users are retarded anyway


Seems that way. They are usually the ones who push you out of cover in Boneyard so they can get your spot. Hate them. I don't like seeing more than one member of a crew in missions. I feel more at ease seeing fellow independant operators.

What about smaller crews like mine that only has 20? Big crews are overrated anyways
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What's the deal with the IGN crew? Nearly every mission and survival I take part in with other randoms has one of their members in it. I guess they accept anyone into their crew, 'cos every member I've seen seems to be a total prick with no skill and a wish to be Rambo, or maybe I've just been unlucky.

it's 'cause IGN is just a general gaming website, not just GTA based


being that they just so happen to have a GTA crew, any asshole can get in.


besides, most IGN users are retarded anyway


Seems that way. They are usually the ones who push you out of cover in Boneyard so they can get your spot. Hate them. I don't like seeing more than one member of a crew in missions. I feel more at ease seeing fellow independant operators.

What about smaller crews like mine that only has 20? Big crews are overrated anyways



As soon as I see 2 of the same emblem I'll either quit or hang back in the mission. chances are my PV will die at the hands of this penniless double act or they'll kill the other players and promptly fail the mission.

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I have 9 people in my crew. NIGHTMARESRREAL (NTMR). We don't run around and just kill people for sh*ts and giggles. If people shoot at us, we shoot back. We do missions together, if one of us is getting bothered, the rest of us come in. If you want to join, its open. We usually play at night 10pm (EST)

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