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Does brake checking slipstreamers really work?

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Sometimes, when I race and slip stream is turned on, the person being slipstreaming brake checks me. However, I often still end up being able to pass him. I am still carrying some momentum while the brake checker has to accelerate all the way from a dead stop.


Do you ever brake check people slipstreaming you? Do you think it's a viable way to stop slipstreamers?

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Nope, 9/10 they'll just ram you and spin you out.


It worked once on a guy in a Carbo. I slammed on the brakes and he did.Naturally being a Carbo the back flung out and swerved to the left right into a ditch. (We were on the Senora Freeway up near Paleto)

Yeah, a couple days ago some jackass was trying to ram me and was trailing me really closely without passing. So I slammed the brakes and he spun out. It was so great. That was the first time I've had it work to that effect. Usually it just slows us both down so somebody else can pass and do some actual racing.

You can only use it well in very specific situations.

Edited by I3AZZAI2

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