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Does no one use Lamar or Merryweather anymore?


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I've been playing almost every day for the past three weeks and in not one of the many lobbies I've been in have I seen anyone call mercs or muggers on anybody else. Did people just forget about them? Or do I just not join the right lobbies?


I always see people putting bounties on each other, though.

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I never call the mugger. Also a few days ago was the first time someone sent mercs after me sense the big money sweep. Im most likely just playing with more friendly people though haha

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Only time I use lamar is when someone's hiding and needs to be knocked down. Merryweather . . . lol.

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I use Merryweather all the time. To call a chopper and kill the pilot.

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I very rarely see the mugger get used. Merryweather I abuse however.

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I never call the mugger. Also a few days ago was the first time someone sent mercs after me sense the big money sweep. Im most likely just playing with more friendly people though haha

What's the big money sweep? I haven't been playing in months until recently. Did I miss something?


I still use mercs for the f*ck of it.

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I do, quite regulary, and see the mugger being used from time to time.

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I never call the mugger. Also a few days ago was the first time someone sent mercs after me sense the big money sweep. Im most likely just playing with more friendly people though haha

What's the big money sweep? I haven't been playing in months until recently. Did I miss something?

Players were producing and distributing counterfeit cash in late December and early January. I personally made around $4 billion. Rockstar removed everyone's cash afterwards and eliminated the 'give cash' option to prevent the distribution of counterfeit cash in the future.

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I never call the mugger. Also a few days ago was the first time someone sent mercs after me sense the big money sweep. Im most likely just playing with more friendly people though haha

What's the big money sweep? I haven't been playing in months until recently. Did I miss something?

Players were producing and distributing counterfeit cash in late December and early January. I personally made around $4 billion.


Huh, crazy. I knew about the LSC glitch but I thought that was patched a while back. Did they clean people's banks? Is that what he meant by "money sweep?"



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I use Lamar all the time if someone is camping or using a tank. I don't personally call mercenaries but they're called on me at least 3 times per day. They're never successful.

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I had a satisfying airstrike last week, took out around nine people. Good times.

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The mugger is one of my favorite things to use.


I use it on my friends a lot, just because i can. I'll usually kill the mugger and let them get their money back.

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I love watching Weasel news in my apartment, finding some random player, and calling the mugger and mercenaries on him.

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I use Lamar. But Merryweather is a ripoff.

The reason why i don't use it, is because if the player dies by his own mistakes, cops or other players, it still says the merc killed them. Which sucks.

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Use the muggar or mercs as a distraction so I can make the kill usually.


Or Muggar to pull someone out of their tank

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Use the muggar or mercs as a distraction so I can make the kill usually.


Or Muggar to pull someone out of their tank

The moment you mug someone out of a Jet, will be a moment you'll never forget.

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If I want someone to chase me down I send all three services their way.

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f*ck a mugger. I wanna call Lamar and make him send a couple of Families members for backup

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Merryweather mercs don't always work but what do I care if I can get a full refund? When it does work it's great. I never go griefing innocent people, but one day some goofy jackwagon and his buddy shot up my car for no reason I nearly died right then and there so I fled. I went over to my apartment, called up the mercs and turned on the TV. Well these gentleman were stocking up at Ammunation and when they walked out the mercs were waiting outside for them. They were caught off guard and finished them off without a fight.

Edited by DrAnomalous
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DJ Kornphlake

I mostly use the mugger if I think someone is glitching in a wall or under the map.

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I only use the mugger to give me, my younger brother who plays, and our real life friends some laughs of seeing the victim get knocked over, then have their car taken by the mugger just to drive all over the map since they can't despawn in a personal vehicle.


As for the mercs, only when I want their Mesa will I call them on someone secluded.

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had mercs sent after me last night. all i did was kill them all, take their vechicle and then hunted the person that called them. good times.

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If you find a low level dude and run around with him helping him rob stores etc, then call the mugger on him while you're a passenger in the car - just too funny. Most people under level 30 or so have no clue what the mugger even is.

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