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Any suggestions for lag?


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I am on Xfinity broadband cable hard wired directly from the router to the xbox. There is another computer usually active playing either SL or Dayz. There is also often a tablet playing netflix. I understand that these would compete for bandwidth but even with all this on and me in game experiencing lag I can run the xfinity speed test and it says i am getting 56 MB/S or so.


I have disk one installed on internal hard drive which has about 100gb available space left.

I have disk two installed on a quality 64 gb thumb drive along with my save files.


Lately when I am in races some people are saying they see me lagging off the course in some corners and then popping back in front of them moments later. I have had people that are behind me one moment suddenly appear in front of me after a spike or jitter in performance.


I have trouble hearing many of my friends on the in game voice connection because they break up a lot.


For the most part I am unable to join random deathmatches. Have not been able to connect to one for a couple weeks. If I do manage to get in the lobby I am completely frozen in the launch load and have to dashboard.


Exiting races and going into a vote screen takes me so long that the majority of the lobby quits before I get to see the screen.


None of the other devices using the connection have any lag issues at all.


The issue is the same with a second Xbox that was swapped in with same setup for instals and wiring and connections.


Anyone else live with similar lag or anyone have any suggestions on what else I can try?

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Thanks for moving my thread to a category where no one will answer it.

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If it's freezing for a few seconds, clear your system cache and delete/reinstall the title updates.


This works for me.

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Thank you...seemed to help some...I was not aware the clearing cashe even existed.

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If it's freezing for a few seconds, clear your system cache and delete/reinstall the title updates.


This works for me.

I did this today and it seems to have made the cloud lag even longer.

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