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Strange Race Payouts


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I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else.


Basically after the race has finished and it tells me how much I have won. Well it seems that whatever money I do win the game doubles it. If I win $3,000 and I exit the race lobby screen and go back to free roam and look at my unbanked cash amount (top right corner of screen) it will say that I have won $6,000 :blink: and so on and so on. I thought I noticed this happening yesterday and the same seems to have happened again today as it only seems to have been happening since the 1.11 patch. I'm not complaining I'm just curious as to if anyone else has had this happen to them.

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Black Rabbit

I was in a lobby with a group of 8 or so doing random races. Ran about 4-5 of them. I won 3, 2 of which being for $20K on 4-way madness...when I left, I had nearly $90K more than when I started.

I had no clue as to why and I didn't complain :) Just figured I was rememberin' my starting cash number incorrect.

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Now there's a glitch I actually WANT to happen to me!


But no, I haven't experienced that myself.... yet.

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I have no idea why it's happening to me as I have played legit since GTAO was released. Oh well I'll just take what the game gives me.

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That's what I thought when I first realised this yeasterday, but according to that event you only get increased RP in land races and not GTA$ payout.

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Tali vas Normandy

In one race I got 20,000 from it. Even the guy in second place got thst much as well. Pretty badass, Remind me about the time before races were nerfed

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I made a thread about this before. It's a great boost for the time being.

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Yeah I'm getting this too.

I'm currently soloing Cutting Coroners in the Adder to try and beat that dude's Entity time, but so far I've only beaten his Adder time. If I play it as much as he did though, I think I might be able to do it, we'll see.


But yeah I'm getting a lot of cash from this too lol, I ain't complaining.

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