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The Six Yards


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The Yardies are celebrating birthday #6 on March 9th, 2014.

As per tradition, we are inviting everyone to our birthday event, held this year across all platforms.

This year, we became an official gang on GTAForums, and due to such, we'll have a bit bigger event this year.

It will take place over 6 different days, to mark our 6th anniversary.

Each of the 6 day events(yards) will have 3 different events, totaling 18.

The times are fixed and set(might be slightly altered though), and each day/yard events should last up to 2-3 hours.

If you can't make one of VI days, there is always a V more left.

Size will depend on availability, but regardless of the it - fun is guaranteed.

Read below, to see which events will take place:

>>>>>> The Six Yards <<<<<<

1st Yard - 7.3.2014

- YARD Beachin'

- DM/TDM/LTS Playlists

- Free Mode mindless fun, exploration & Y Farm entertainment & picture times

2nd Yard - 8.3.2014

- YARD Content Creator playlist (our own races/DM's)

- R* verified Racing Playlists + w extra onion and RP/$

- Infiltrating Humane Labs & Fort Zancudo stealing valuable items.

3rd Yard - 9.3.2014

- Land, Air & Sea Race & GTA Races Playlist + w extra cheese and RP/$

- Fighting LSPD across the map together + Walking on Water...and under water.

- The Thunderdome Challenge

4th Yard - 14.3.2014

On the wing of a Titan...

- Lazer dog-fighting & Train riding.

- Roof Destruction Derby @ Maze Bank rooftops.

5th Yard - 15.3.2014

- Survivals, Golf, Tennis & other leisure.

- Gang Attacks & store robberies across the map, and further picture times.

- Capture/Parachuting/Versus Playlists

6th Yard - 16.3.2014

- Russian Roulette - Russian YARDoulette @ Alamo Sea.

- 15 vs MVP

- Plane trip to Homebrew Cafe in Liberty City for the worshiping of Simple Trainer & more.

>>>>>> Schedule <<<<<

1st Yard - PSN and/or XBL - 7.3.2014 - starting 19:00 UK

2nd Yard - PSN and/or XBL - 8.3.2014 - starting 21:00 UK

3rd Yard - PSN and/or XBL - 9.3.2014 - starting 19:00 UK

4th Yard - PSN and/or XBL - 14.3.2014 - starting 19:00 UK

5th Yard - PSN and/or XBL - 15.3.2014 - starting 21:00 UK

6th Yard - PSN and/or XBL + PC - 16.3.2014 - starting 19:00 UK

>>>>>> Participants <<<<<

Feel free to sign up, if you're up for some classic competitive and non-competitive GTA amusement!

Drop your PSN, XBL or GFWL name, and you'll be invited to the games & chat room prior to each starting.

Times, find them in schedule; Events, find them above schedule.

There will be room for everyone during the 6 yards.

PS3 List

1. AndyGanteks

2. BnB

3. Rewas514

4. Johnny Playert

5. Sweets

6. Bob_Dole

7. NTAuthority

8. Johacamigames

9. Hodgey.

10. Kirsty

11. Greasepalms

12. Secura

13. Tommy.

14. Dnero

15. enjoithepain

16. Warlord

17. Hircine

360 List

(If enough people appear, we will host the 360 event; We have recently re-opened our 360 section, so if they find time to host some of these games for you, they will; Feel free to sign up!)




PC List

(On the 6th yard, thya PC dawned upon us, and the shadow of Liberty City blessed us all; Final event of the 6th Yard requires GTA IV. Are you scared of height?)

1. AndyGanteks

2. Rewas514

3. Kuruma.

4. Bob_Dole

5. NTAuthority

6. Johacamigames

7. MobBG

8. Dnero

>>>>>> Media <<<<<

GFX/Screenshots/Videos from the meets will be there!

Don't forget to empty your snapmatic cameras and have 10ish slots for each day/night/yard on your sd card!







>>>>>> Previous Birthdays <<<<<






Edited by AndyGanteks
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Yay Birthday party. Sign me up to le PSN and PC I guess..

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Johnny Playert

Awww yeahhh sign me up on PeeEsThree faux shaux

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Pretty hype to be part of this for the first time ever, sign me up for PS3 as well as the PC one, and if 360 does have enough members I'll try to buy Gold before it starts but not promising that!

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Sign us up as I've been to a couple of these before and they're good fun.


I'm on PS3.

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Well done guys, sign me up.


MissCloud on PS3.

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- The Thunderdome Challenge







soup me up for p3s.

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- The Thunderdome Challenge




What the f*ck is that?


I wont be on PS3 tonight at that time but will make it for this Saturday and Sunday.

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Ease off with the like button rewash. :sly:

Added y'all, whoever can come tonight, we start at 19 UK, should be playing until 22ish so you can come in at any time if you can't for the very start.

Edited by AndyGanteks
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Goodness gracious me, a meet where members of the master race can meet and look down upon the plebs! I am so in!!!

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Ease off with the like button rewash. :sly:

Added y'all, whoever can come tonight, we start at 19 UK, should be playing until 22ish so you can come in at any time if you can't for the very start.





I should be today online, but tomorrow? Kinda super late for me, so I don't know if I'll participate tomorrow.

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Couple of pics from the short time I was on tonight, was good fun should be on longer tommorow.


Hopefully me and Johan can be Vestra brothers again. ;)

Edited by Hodgey.
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Good stuff happened today.

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Been way too inactive recently, but this I want in on.

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Good stuff today, despite a short notice.


Saturday is usually the busiest day, but hopefully we have some solid attendance like today or even bigger.


Remember, 21 UK is the time!


Day 1 aka 1st Yard was fun 8/16. We had some guests from official gangs too. This was only the warmup, real fun will be there in the upcoming days with free mode shenenigans, thunderdome, 15vsmvp & more.




Nicking a Lazer during YARD Beachin'



That stadium DM w one spawn with a bit of minigun ammo. :p



Monroe inside the FIB building...we DM'ed in the smaller interior version of it, the destroyed one was bugging at the start, so i had to restart the playlist 3 times as you all remember.



NTA & me



NTA inspecting my Voodoo



Waiting for everyone to gather & arrive






This one was a bit meh



Our friend B.Dole brought a submersible to our farm



Group pic, 7 in a row & me at the car



Then NTA planted a sticky and blew y'all up :p



And finally, YELLO CAR





See ya tomorrow!



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You said to take some pics, so I did. I usually try to take a few of the same thing, so if one or more is bad there's a chance there's a good one in there somewhere. I also tend to delete my pics pretty often for the room, so I rehost them.


Anyway, here you go.



Nice attempt at recreating the (in-game) yardie gang Voodoo from IV. I always thought it was a shame they removed the undamaged Voodoo. The Huntley sport as well, as I preferred it to the Ballers. Handled much better IMO. Kinda wish both were in V/Online with the gang trim options.








Some friendly Yardies helping out after someone had some car trouble.








Groups shots.










Anyway, sorry for putting them all in here, didn't want to post them in the gang's chat topic just in case you didn't want them there.


Fun time though, thanks for the invite. That was like the 3rd or fourth time I've even been in a DM, and the first time I've done much of anything in free aim. I'm actually surprised I got better than last*, especially after missing the first DM on the playlist. (* = lol, one spot better than last, and only barely. :blush: ) I definitely need to fiddle with the sensitivity before doing something competitive like that again. Got an odd bug when trying to switch back to AA afterwards, but other than that it was fun as hell, thanks again. :)

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Groups shots.




Yeah good playing with you mate. :^:


Plus in that pic it seems my character has developed the ability to float (in the background) Yes I am Jesus, bow down to me peasents.

Edited by Hodgey.
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Great pics guys, I love that I look like the tallest in the group shot thanks to my heels <3 lol


@Hodgey that was you following me in the air? That was pretty hilarious man, I noticed you like halfway near Los Santos before I ended up trying to show off and flew under the bridge...

I made it through, but then there was that one pole....


Hope to see the same guys tomorrow and more!

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I'll try and make it tonight for the PS3 meet as I highly doubt a Xbox meet will happen.

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@Hodgey that was you following me in the air? That was pretty hilarious man, I noticed you like halfway near Los Santos before I ended up trying to show off and flew under the bridge...

I made it through, but then there was that one pole....


Yeah it was me. I dont know why I started to follow you but I did. I saw you swoop down and go under the bridge, but thought f*ck that he'll never make it and neither will I. :)


EDIT: Just realised I have been signed up for 6 years today.

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So is the PS3 meet starting up soon or what?

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Good stuff today despite a late night Saturday!




Walking like a boss after dcing on impossible dam last race in the playlist

Guy was carrin a nuke in there, no shiieting

Taking Buzzard & heading towards Fort Zancudo after the racing was done

Look at dat view

CargoDole at the swamps, and Secura in his heli preparing for attack

Grease sniping the guards

And of course, me taking pix whilst he is having a gunfight. (dontbmadplsiliketotakepics)

Since pegasus was a tit, we had to infiltrate FZ, and it was a success; Johnny in his pwning nearby "obstacles"

Fort Zancudo Tower, Grease i think in Lazer flying over, Dole was inside already, and Hodgey parked the cargobob at the top of the tower

Got shot twice right above the heart but i lived!

Group pic outside fort zancudo, grease flying in his lazer, as secura sniped Hodgey who was spawn killin us @ the end

And one pic with me and Secura coming out of a bush after he sniped Hodg

Moonlightning at the end...Humane Labs are next...we felt like we need to delay it cause our master Bob Dole was afk for a bit


Day 3, Sunday at 19 UK:


3rd Yard - 9.3.2014

1. Humane Labs theft followed by Land, Air & Sea Race & GTA Races Playlist + w extra cheese and RP/$

2.The Thunderdome Challenge

- Fighting LSPD across the map together + Walking on Water photo ops

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I love that Grease managed to land the freaking fighter jet, smack-bang in the middle of the swamp:


Took time out of the day to take a selfie with the Y mobile:
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Felt like everyone had a chance to have fun today after yesterday's massacre which made this a much better event.

Got a few pictures

Hodgey had an accident




Andy taking cover as the Yardies take over the Fort






Andy standing near us during group pictures as Grease swoops on by over his head



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Johnny Playert

Yeah man yesterday and today was good fun. Except yesterday when paul kept pwning and rewas kept melee-ing the sh*t outta me lol

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Had alot of fun tonight. Sorry about my knife killing rampage I was on at the end but seemed no one really knew what we where doing and I was bored so thought why not up my melee stats.




Grease in background


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