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Lobbies all freezing & closing down

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Anyone else experiencing this? Every lobby ive been in today has essentially frozen everybody, knocked them offline & closed down (usually im the last one in there )


Its just happened a 3rd time in less than 30 minutes, the only difference being I was the 1st one to freeze this time. Complete console hard freeze too.


At first I thought maybe its a shellbooting scrub, but more than likely some kind of server side issue, not sure.

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Maybe it's just you leaving the lobby and not everyone else. sometimes when your lagging hard you get a ton of messages saying Player X left and your the only one left (thats you lagging out not anyone else)


The lobby is made up of 10/16 friends and all of them get knocked off PSN and have to reboot the console,


Edit: the 1st two lobbies were 10/16 friends, the final one was 4/16


Also, it knocked people off in 3 waves, first 5 people got kicked, then the rest, then me in the first two lobbies.

Edited by x420Raptor

Happened to me a few times, also seem to have some glitch where during the mission lobby it'll say "Player joining please wait" and it won't let you start the mission, plus it stops the timer. There's no player joining so you have to back out and restart the job.

Tank sniping was a game breaking priority though, but yet all these wall hiding, garage entering fa**ots can do as they please. Game won't last another 5 patches if this keeps up, most lobbies I've been in had 6-7 people tops.


My console froze 3 times last nite with in 2 hours. It was very noticeable.


In related news: there was a black guy in my friends apartment on the computer in the heist room(only one friend apartment). We took pictures. He was obviously a chop paste lester


Also received random message that some one messed up a heist. Could have been a heist job in beta.


Heist should be happening before the end of april!

I posted about this yesterday and had it moved to the troubleshooting section. Couple people are guessing it's something to do with the social club and/ or overloaded rockstar servers.


It was so bad for me yesterday I couldn't play for more than 10 minutes at a time.

Legit Complainer

wow. and i thought that i was the only victim lol. yeah it feezes about once or twice per day randomly. the whole lobby lagged out about half an hour ago. this is genuinely annoying since the game has been out for months and 11 patches is more than enough for this trash to be settled by now. i like how rockstar has fixed a ton of problems but it also annoys me how they cant seem to do it without screwing up a plethora of other things in the process, the biggest being crashing of entire servers and console freezes.

Edited by Legit Complainer

Yeh i hope they do to because if you spend a hour trying to join or even just get online to be frozen out it ruins the whole fun intended when playing this game i feel like smashing up my tv because everytime i get somewhere im even frozing out or it says rockstar cloud servers could not save. This then puts you in a screen where if you decide to continue you reset your online characters and start all from scratch again luckily im not that stupid so every time this has done this to me i just exit and turn PS3 off then back on. This all takes time and i havnt even done anything! Then theres the issue with the creator where if you dont save at regular points it wont save atall, yeh great f*cking online gaming. Finally if you sent a rockstar support ticket do you like ever get a reply? complete joke. Huge rockstar fan but online gaming shouldnt be like this! amazing dlc's, sh*t servers! period.

Edited by TheBhoys2011

console froze twice yesterday while playing gta online. this has not happened in a long time.


first time was while driving right after a survival mode.. i hit a tree the car was in the middle of a spin and the console froze up


second time was late last night in survival mode after i was left alone on wave 8.. i was shooting the last guy then it froze again. i haven't tried turning on the ps3 since then

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