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How often do you clean out your cookies?


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With all the jargon I read these days about 'Tracking Cookies' 'Smart Cookies' and just generally disturbing stuff 'highly personalized advertising on Facebook to me if you catch my drift I've recently downloaded http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/ and be simply blowing up my cookies every couple of days.


I am feeling alot safer. Google cannot profile me as I remove their cookies and change my IP relentless, I am not being tracked, and advertising material, the rare bits that do get through to me is mostly unrelated.


How do you guys take care of your privacy online?

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I am not being tracked

Actually , you are always being tracked my friend, even if you delete your cookies , heck even if you fake your IP , you original IP is still being tracked

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I am not being tracked

Actually , you are always being tracked my friend, even if you delete your cookies , heck even if you fake your IP , you original IP is still being tracked





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I am not being tracked

Actually , you are always being tracked my friend, even if you delete your cookies , heck even if you fake your IP , you original IP is still being tracked











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I rarely do this but I know that I need to. Just will not take too long to do, but it seems like by the time I remember I have the computer shut down already.

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I thought this topic title is going to be a euphemism for something.

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I am not being tracked

Actually , you are always being tracked my friend, even if you delete your cookies , heck even if you fake your IP , you original IP is still being tracked













I'm pretty sure you can spoof that, if it's pulling from your user-agent values, people make plugins to do that. I mean, I'm pretty sure it doesn't stop the tracking really, but it helps.


Also, lel.



on topic: I don't delete my cookies. I used to have a browser that was impenetrable* by third parties, but I stopped caring. I don't even block ads anymore! :D (*It probably wasn't actually, the point is that I used to care a lot about stuff like that.)

Edited by Joe Chip
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Yep, no way around not being tracked. Unless, of course, you are logged in through your neighbors wifi. :p

Edited by GTA3Rockstar
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