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XB36 Hazard's Save editor HELP!


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I know this is already in one major thread, but, i didn't want to ruin the thread with a n00bish question like the following i am going to ask:


Since Trevor and Michael both have a connection to North Yankton (No need to give out spoilers), i wanted Trevor and Michael's cars to have NY Licence plates so it looked like they bought their cars over in NY. That worked well with the Save Editor but only for the garage cars. When i tried to change the Michael's Obey and Trevor's Pickup truck, on the program it let me, but, once i started the save game, the default Los Santos license plate is there...


I havn't got any problem at all changing diferente features with this editor, but im stuck with this issue. Any ideas?



P.S. Please don't lock the thread, i haven't found anything that can actually solve my problem.


P.S. 2: I'm playong on PS3

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Lethal Vaccine

Sometimes the coding isn't full proof on the editor. Hazard likes feedback for his work, so maybe if you notified him, he would fix it.


Michael's hanger doesn't work either in the editor, and is hasn't yet, whereas the other two characters work. Sometimes the coding might be messed up, so therfore the plates might not work for those personal vehicles.


You could try quicksaving inside the personal vehicle, though, and going under Character which is a tab in the editor and clicking the little car icon to modify your current vehicle and give it those plates. Not sure if it'll work, though.

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Sometimes the coding isn't full proof on the editor. Hazard likes feedback for his work, so maybe if you notified him, he would fix it.


Michael's hanger doesn't work either in the editor, and is hasn't yet, whereas the other two characters work. Sometimes the coding might be messed up, so therfore the plates might not work for those personal vehicles.


You could try quicksaving inside the personal vehicle, though, and going under Character which is a tab in the editor and clicking the little car icon to modify your current vehicle and give it those plates. Not sure if it'll work, though.



Nice idea. I'll try it out and reply if it did work.


Thank you so much.

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