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Is the turismo worth the grind?


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Appox. 28 times on hard (including ammo costs). To fully mod it, about 40.

Edited by doctorpanda
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I played coveted a lot so I could buy it and mod it, and yes it's worth it.

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This weekend the air races are playing a lot more. Might be worth your while to put on your pilots hat this weekend.

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It depends...... what is your current vehicle. If it's the Entity and you hate grinding... then no, it isn't worth it.


But if you really want the turismo, than yes, it's worth it.

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Don't waste your money.. I bought one and modded it up. Not impressed and it sounds like a leaf blower. Would never sell my Entity for it.

I'll replace it with Rebel (well sorta) ;)

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I sold my Adder for 609k, so yeah. That sorted me out nicely.


I actually think its a fantastic car. Last night I was in a race with a fully nodded Adder and a random Efinity or whatever its called. Yeah, I finished first, with a 1 minute lead. I like it, I like how it handles, and it looks cool. Future keepr indeed. Can always buy another Adder, it won't be limited....

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Yes. Its worth it. I love it.


One of the best accelerating cars in the game at the moment.

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The design looks great, it's super fast but it can't beat Entity. I think it's worth. Everytime i join a super car race, always see players using turismo R.

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I didn't really grind for it instead i sold my infernus for it and so far i like it but imo i still feel the entity is the best overall supercar but when you do get i think its $500k forget the exact price you wont be disappointed this car is pretty similar to the cheetah if you ever drove it.

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I bought the turismo and it is matching with my taste. The only hard thing is it is too low. And when it is slow it crashee to the side walks.


I have both entity and turismo and I prefer to drive turismo in free room. Because the engine sound is much better...


Entity is the best for racing...

Edited by asilcenk
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Turismo is a competitor. Grind what grind you mean Ur peasant lololol. Jk

Yes it's worth it

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Id say it depends what you want it for.

If you wanna use it for races I would probably stick with an entity.

But if you really like the looks and want fun car to drive then definately get it.

Its not as tight as the entity but its light and very loose making it quite fun to buzz around in.

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