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Content Creator Suggestions


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Right. It's still in beta so here are my thoughts.


My share of improvements I would add to the content creator:


- More time settings. So far we have Nigh, Noon, Morning and Current. Night which is 21.00 is only half dark, it's practically sunset. There is a huge difference in darkness between 21.00 and 01.00. We need 01.00 as an option.


- More weather options. Fog, sandstorms, heavy rain (and possibly even snow) We see these in single player yet they're not an option in the creator.


- Add all weapons to the creator. So far all the DLC added weapons including the Beach Bum ones which came before the creator got released, didn't make it as a viable option.


- Add the rest of the missing vehicles. There's basically only 33% of them in.


- Extend prop limit. Vehicles take up a good amount of Model Memory yet props don't. This can easily be done.


- Add a mirrored prop of the light sign because there's only 1 facing in one direction while all other signs have both directions.


- Reduce prop/vehicle position radius. The props/vehicles aren't even touching the walls some times yet they turn red. Helicopters and titans don't need that much space around them.


- Light source props.


- Message props. Say a player approached a sign and he presses a button and then receives a message on his screen. This is for instructional deathmatches, missions, captures etc. to help guide people or for those who didn't bother reading the description to know what's going on.


- When going into first person mode, make it so the character doesn't rapidly run. When I gently tilt my controller's stick forward, my character starts sprinting which can be annoying to position a delicate prop.


- Possibly reduce minimum checkpoint distance from 0.62 miles to 0.31 miles in a lap race. (This is mostly a personal matter, I made a lap race on-top of a building for motorcycles and I cannot finish it due to this. It would make it so there must be at least 2 laps which would compensate for the 0.62 miles so technically it would still be 0.62 miles.)


- A larger distance between checkpoints.


- Adding props to air races. Mostly due to those who can stack props, imagine making giant floating obstacles or circles high in the air.


- Extend player limit to 16 in air races.


- Promote prop stacking/clipping. (I'm still worried that this might get patched but it actually expands the creative possibilities much higher!)


- Fix matchmaking. I know the chances of getting someones job drastically reduced since people were complaining that most created jobs are horrid (which I completely agree with) but what if those who have, say more than 1000 likes get a slightly higher chance of getting people in. So let's say getting something R* verified/created is 65%, a random well liked/played job 25% and a random not much played job 15%.



- More distance to place the yellow marker on the stunt jump camera.


- The ability to select the color of any prop. Some matches mostly look like junkyards with props looking out of place and unfitting. Camouflaging them would work. Blending them in the environment.


- Make it so that if you crash your car into the big gas tank (dynamic prop) in a normal non-GTA race that it blows up with the driver.


- Rotating props. Next to what we have with manual rotation, add a 90° 180° 270° automatic option or maybe even a detect nearby wall/fence etc. to help set it perfectly.


- Make all indoor areas accessible.


- Toggle to disable Reveal Players in a match.


- Make it so you can disable custom sanchez's in off-road races.


- Double creators. 2 people entering creator mode and building something together.


- Vehicles being placed in races. They would be un-enterable/un-drivable. - The Lonesome Drifter


My list will expand but this is what I have so far.

Edited by Zorvaine
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I see. I'll add my list there then. (I didn't know that thread was already made)

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So you want GTA to have Halo's Forge Mode?


Don't know what that is. Never played Halo. Never will.

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So you want GTA to have Halo's Forge Mode?


Don't know what that is. Never played Halo. Never will.

pretty much Forge mode incorporates everything you mentioned and more.
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Great list Zorvaine. Looks like you've put some very good thought into this and I agree that all listed changes would be improvements.


- Fix matchmaking. I know the chances of getting someones job drastically reduced since people were complaining that most created jobs are horrid (which I completely agree with) but what if those who have, say more than 1000 likes get a slightly higher chance of getting people in. So let's say getting something R* verified/created is 65%, a random well liked/played job 25% and a random not much played job 15%.

Matchmaking and user content rating are the two big problems in my opinion.

Matchmaking needs to ensure sufficient people are brought into lobbies that are waiting for players. I'd like a search screen so instead of selecting 'Quick Race', for instance, you select the kind of race you want (i.e. 8-16 cars, catch up off, no custom cars, rating over 80%) - and the game matches you with a pending race accordingly.


User content rating is tricky to solve but maybe more weight could be given to those that choose to 'add the race' to their own game world. This button should be more visible so that you can not only 'like' a race (which normally signifies whether you had a good race or not, rather than the actual content of it) and then additionally you can choose to 'add to game' with a similar click.


I personally don't like the hundreds of icons enforced upon you in Online and think you should be promoted to select custom content, along with the best Rockstar content.


That's my two cents worth!

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Tali vas Normandy



So you want GTA to have Halo's Forge Mode?

Don't know what that is. Never played Halo. Never will.

Damn, you are missing out then.


The races my friends made on halo 3 are better then most of the garbage R* verify themselves.

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So you want GTA to have Halo's Forge Mode?

That's exactly what I want.

Having multiple people going around, messing around/actually building a map. I had great fun doing that.

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So you want GTA to have Halo's Forge Mode?


That's exactly what I want.

Having multiple people going around, messing around/actually building a map. I had great fun doing that.

can't deny that. I'm also a professional forger on Halo myself, so I would love to have Halo-styled Content Creator in GTAV.
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The Lonesome Drifter

Let me place vehicles on race maps. My NFS the run race tracks are just sitting their waiting for police roadblocks to be placed before I can publish them :(

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Let me place vehicles on race maps. My NFS the run race tracks are just sitting their waiting for police roadblocks to be placed before I can publish them :(


That would be good too, although they would have to be un-enterable so for instance people are doing a compacts GTA race, at the start someone could just jump out and hop into an Entity.


I'll add it to the list and mention them being un-enterable.

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