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Crew emblem

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What do you want? It looks like I can still paste in svg code. That means importing any image if you already have a logo (simpler the better in my experience).


Or otherwise using the creator, you need to offer some direction on the type of imagery and colors you like - what is your crew all about?

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we can still make good emblems with the creator, just need some patience and time.. lots of time..



here's mine made for recent crew HELLS ANGELS WORLDWIDE












edit: u might want to check the crew Kustoms MC Emblems if they have time to make you some

Edited by Arazern
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Biggie Kaniff

we can still make good emblems with the creator, just need some patience and time.. lots of time..



here's mine made for recent crew HELLS ANGELS WORLDWIDE









edit: u might want to check the crew Kustoms MC Emblems if they have time to make you some


Cool emblems dude, I've made one cool too. But I'm wondering, is it possible to zoom in with the creator?

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