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The GTA V beta hunt

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spitfire 26 rus

I am the only one who can not see the difference between Lazer P996 and the Hydra "BETA", if someone can prove me otherwise with images, be grateful



Hydra = ("F-35B" + "McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II");

Lazer = ("F-16 Fighting Falcon" + "SU-27")


Edited by spitfire 26 rus
  • Like 3

I'm not sure if anyone has found this yet, but here's the early version of the GTA Online logo.







I am the only one who can not see the difference between Lazer P996 and the Hydra "BETA", if someone can prove me otherwise with images, be grateful



Hydra = ("F-35B" + "McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II");

Lazer = ("F-16 Fighting Falcon" + "SU-27")



Thanks man


De Silva not Di Santo

That's a common misconception.

"De Silva" was the last name of "Albert De Silva" Which was Michael's code name in the RUSH casting call. Take note that I said code name, Rockstar knew the casting call would get leaked so they decided to make fake names for all characters. "Albert De Silva" was never Michael's name, its just a pseudonym they used for the casting call so the character's names wouldn't leak.

So, as supported by the files. Michael's beta name was "Michael Di Santo"



I'm not sure if anyone has found this yet, but here's the early version of the GTA Online logo.






I'm not trusting that code.


i c wut u did thar


Don't believe me? Look in that exact directory. :)





I'm not sure if anyone has found this yet, but here's the early version of the GTA Online logo.





I'm not trusting that code.

Why? Because of "le no wank ton dlc :((((" there is no point to lie about a little piece of code like that. Please tighten your asscheeks and get over it. #NG'sArmy ( ͜。 ͡ʕ ͜。 )

  • Like 3




I'm not sure if anyone has found this yet, but here's the early version of the GTA Online logo.





I'm not trusting that code.

Why? Because of "le no wank ton dlc :((((" there is no point to lie about a little piece of code like that. Please tighten your asscheeks and get over it. #NG'sArmy ( ͜。 ͡ʕ ͜。 )


It was a joke. I trust him, now un-tighten your lips from NG's cock






I'm not sure if anyone has found this yet, but here's the early version of the GTA Online logo.





I'm not trusting that code.

Why? Because of "le no wank ton dlc :((((" there is no point to lie about a little piece of code like that. Please tighten your asscheeks and get over it. #NG'sArmy ( ͜。 ͡ʕ ͜。 )


It was a joke. I trust him, now un-tighten your lips from NG's cock


No, I must protect the master at all costs, #NG'sArmy. Sorry for freaking out on you but it is mandatory. You should join us, we get yearly bonuses and free sandwiches. #NG'sArmy

  • Like 3

Okay, back on topic, lel. If you go to the hunting section on the GTA V manual app you will see Trevor with binoculars looking out for animals with Franklin holding the rifle. Maybe all the pro-tags were able to hunt or at least go with Trevor? Or maybe this was just a little thing they edited into the screenshot or something to make it look cool or something.


So,somewhere on the internet,I found an article about R* putting more things into PS4 version of the game,maybe some of the cut content will be added to the PS4?

Think about it.

(Sorry for my bad english,it isn't my primary language. c: )

Hydra , Besra and all pilot school vehicles will be added within SP DLC .

They are trying to add big features to SP DLC .

Casinos ( more than 1 casino ) with 3 minigames and new missions for IAA and 12 new assassination missions and new missions for trevor ..etc



switch (A_0){case 0:strcpy("blackjack_sp", A_2, 64);return 1;case 1:strcpy("poker_sp", A_2, 64);return 1;case 2:strcpy("roulette_sp", A_2, 64);return 1;case 3:strcpy("slot", A_2, 64);return 1;}}else{switch (A_0){case 0:strcpy("blackjack_mp", A_2, 64);return 1;case 1:strcpy("poker_mp", A_2, 64);return 1;case 2:strcpy("roulette_mp", A_2, 64);return 1;case 3:strcpy("", A_2, 64);return 0;}}



It's not a cut content because i've checked the same script but with old version ( without updates ) and didn't find anything about blackjack/poker/roulette also no function for casino !

Assassination missions coords with script names :


assassin_skydive is near assassin_cablecar but with few changes to coords :

assassin_skydive :

x=-415.0381 y=6069.731 z=30.5001

assassin_cablecar :

x=-415 y=6069.5 z=30.5

They are adding some of cut content to SP DLC .

I found some interesting functions/hashes for SP DLC and unknown dlc ( called norman dlc according to game files )

  • Like 3

More interesting stuff :

    if (g_3169685 != 0)    {        num3 = "main_AGT";    }    else if (g_3693973 != 0)    {        num3 = "main_ZMB";    }    else    {        num3 = "main";    }

g_3169685 and g_3693973 = global values for next dlc's ( I'm not sure ) .

If g_3169685 = 1 then it won't call main.csc/main.xsc script .

same with g_3693973

"main_ZMB" = zombies ?

WTF R* ? xD


- - - -

Updated :

    if (g_3169685 != 0)    {        SCRIPT::REQUEST_SCRIPT("cellphone_controllerAGT");    }    else if (g_3693973 != 0)    {        SCRIPT::REQUEST_SCRIPT("cellphone_controllerZMB");    }    else    {        SCRIPT::REQUEST_SCRIPT("cellphone_controller");    }
    if (g_3169685 != 0)    {        SCRIPT::REQUEST_SCRIPT("dialogue_handlerAGT");    }    else if (g_3693973 != 0)    {        SCRIPT::REQUEST_SCRIPT("dialogue_handlerZMB");    }    else    {        SCRIPT::REQUEST_SCRIPT("dialogue_handler");    }
    if (g_3169685 != 0)    {        SCRIPT::REQUEST_SCRIPT("building_controllerAGT");    }    else if (g_3693973 != 0)    {        SCRIPT::REQUEST_SCRIPT("building_controllerZMB");    }    else    {        SCRIPT::REQUEST_SCRIPT("building_controller");    }
Edited by funmw2
  • Like 2


De Silva not Di Santo

That's a common misconception.

"De Silva" was the last name of "Albert De Silva" Which was Michael's code name in the RUSH casting call. Take note that I said code name, Rockstar knew the casting call would get leaked so they decided to make fake names for all characters. "Albert De Silva" was never Michael's name, its just a pseudonym they used for the casting call so the character's names wouldn't leak.

So, as supported by the files. Michael's beta name was "Michael Di Santo"



The only thing left from that casting is Nervous Jerry as a phone call in Ron's radio program saying he's Jerry and that "he's nervous too"


called norman dlc according to game files

Norman DLC!




Detective norman ?

Also main_ZMB is connected with norman dlc .

3 missions :

0xC0E003B0, "NRMS" // Norman start ?0x1A3A2F63, "NRM2"0x5D402A2F, "NRMF" // norman finale ?



called norman dlc according to game files

Norman DLC!




Detective norman ?

Also main_ZMB is connected with norman dlc .

3 missions :

0xC0E003B0, "NRMS" // Norman start ?0x1A3A2F63, "NRM2"0x5D402A2F, "NRMF" // norman finale ?


I know it might not be...But couldn't it be Norm Richards DLC? :p

Edited by Vec




called norman dlc according to game files

Norman DLC!




Detective norman ?

Also main_ZMB is connected with norman dlc .

3 missions :

0xC0E003B0, "NRMS" // Norman start ?0x1A3A2F63, "NRM2"0x5D402A2F, "NRMF" // norman finale ?


I know it might not be...But couldn't it be Norm Richards DLC? :p


They added 4 scripts :

sp_norman_registrationsp_dlc_registration ( casinos , new missions .. etc ) sp_pilotschool_reg ( hydra , besra .. etc ) sp_clifford_registration ( ?? ) 

It's norman DLC 100%

Edited by funmw2


They added 4 scripts :


sp_dlc_registration ( casinos , new missions .. etc )

sp_pilotschool_reg ( hydra , besra .. etc )

sp_clifford_registration ( ?? )

It's norman DLC 100%


What about the "Clifford" DLC? Maybe even another? I hope those are new protagonists.

Edited by Darth_Starkiller

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