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"Initializing SCM #x" should appear somewhere before the crash, if it's happening after loading a save. Either "Initializing SCM #1" or "Initializing SCM #3".


When I tried, it was #1 and it was apparently trying to free memory it didn't need to.

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This is what it is on my log file:


30/01/2014 10:57:01.545 void __cdecl CLEO::OnLoadScmData(void)
30/01/2014 10:57:01.545 Initializing SCM #3
30/01/2014 10:57:01.545 Deleting dynamic fxts...
30/01/2014 10:57:01.545 Finalizing script objects... 0 files unclosed, 0 libs unloaded, 0 file searches unclosed...

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This is my CLEO Log recently, I think the log ''Freeing BASS Library'' is caused by audio hardware problem. Since EAX is used for Audio Hardware, other such as Coxenant doesn't supported.

31/01/2014 11:14:53.531 Log started.
31/01/2014 11:14:53.531 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x00001000 (size: 0x00456000)
31/01/2014 11:14:53.531 Unprotecting memory region '.rdata': 0x00458000 (size: 0x0004C000)
31/01/2014 11:14:53.531 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x008B1000 (size: 0x0064A000)
31/01/2014 11:14:53.532 Parsing FXT file PaletteCircleHandling.fxt
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 New FXT[PC_RGB] = ~g~RGB, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 New FXT[PC_RED] = ~g~Red, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 New FXT[PC_GREN] = ~g~Green, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 New FXT[PC_BLUE] = ~g~Blue, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 New FXT[PC_HSV] = ~g~HSV, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 New FXT[PC_HUE] = ~g~Hue, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 New FXT[PC_SAT] = ~g~Sat, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 New FXT[PC_VAL] = ~g~Value, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 New FXT[PC_NUM] = ~r~~1~, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 New FXT[PC_PNUM] = ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 New FXT[PC_ALFA] = ~g~Alpha, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.533 Parsing FXT file TimecycEditor.fxt
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TMC] = ~g~In-game Timecyc Editor 1.8~s~ by ~r~fastman92, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TCINITR] = TimecycEditor.Ini has been read, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TCINIFL] = TimecycEditor.Ini has not been read, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TCYCOPT] = Options, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TWTH0] = ~g~Weather: ~r~0 (EXTRASUNNY LA), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TWTH1] = ~g~Weather: ~r~1 (SUNNY LA), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TWTH2] = ~g~Weather: ~r~2 (EXTRASUNNY SMOG LA), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TWTH3] = ~g~Weather: ~r~3 (SUNNY SMOG LA), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TWTH4] = ~g~Weather: ~r~4 (CLOUDY LA), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TWTH5] = ~g~Weather: ~r~5 (SUNNY SF), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TWTH6] = ~g~Weather: ~r~6 (EXTRASUNNY SF), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.549 New FXT[TWTH7] = ~g~Weather: ~r~7 (CLOUDY SF), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH8] = ~g~Weather: ~r~8 (RAINY SF), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH9] = ~g~Weather: ~r~9 (FOGGY SF), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH10] = ~g~Weather: ~r~10 (SUNNY VEGAS), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH11] = ~g~Weather: ~r~11 (EXTRASUNNY VEGAS), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH12] = ~g~Weather: ~r~12 (CLOUDY VEGAS), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH13] = ~g~Weather: ~r~13 (EXTRASUNNY COUNTRYSIDE), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH14] = ~g~Weather: ~r~14 (SUNNY COUNTRYSIDE), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH15] = ~g~Weather: ~r~15 (CLOUDY COUNTRYSIDE), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH16] = ~g~Weather: ~r~16 (RAINY COUNTRYSIDE), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH17] = ~g~Weather: ~r~17 (EXTRASUNNY DESERT), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH18] = ~g~Weather: ~r~18 (SUNNY DESERT), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH19] = ~g~Weather: ~r~19 (SANDSTORM DESERT), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH20] = ~g~Weather: ~r~20 (UNDERWATER), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH21] = ~g~Weather: ~r~21 (EXTRACOLORS 1), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TWTH22] = ~g~Weather: ~r~22 (EXTRACOLORS 2), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TTCL0] = ~g~Intensity of current cycle Midnight: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TTCL1] = ~g~Intensity of current cycle 5AM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TTCL2] = ~g~Intensity of current cycle 6AM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TTCL3] = ~g~Intensity of current cycle 7AM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TTCL4] = ~g~Intensity of current cycle Midday: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TTCL5] = ~g~Intensity of current cycle 7PM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TTCL6] = ~g~Intensity of current cycle 8PM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TTCL7] = ~g~Intensity of current cycle 7PM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TTCL8] = ~g~Intensity of current cycle 10PM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TNCL0] = ~g~Intensity of next cycle Midnight: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TNCL1] = ~g~Intensity of next cycle 5AM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TNCL2] = ~g~Intensity of next cycle 6AM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TNCL3] = ~g~Intensity of next cycle 7AM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TNCL4] = ~g~Intensity of next cycle Midday: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TNCL5] = ~g~Intensity of next cycle 7PM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TNCL6] = ~g~Intensity of next cycle 8PM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TNCL7] = ~g~Intensity of next cycle 7PM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TNCL8] = ~g~Intensity of next cycle 10PM: ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TCYCLE0] = ~g~Cycle: ~r~1 (Midnight), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TCYCLE1] = ~g~Cycle: ~r~2 (5AM), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TCYCLE2] = ~g~Cycle: ~r~3 (6AM), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TCYCLE3] = ~g~Cycle: ~r~4 (7AM), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TCYCLE4] = ~g~Cycle: ~r~5 (Midday), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TCYCLE5] = ~g~Cycle: ~r~6 (7PM), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TCYCLE6] = ~g~Cycle: ~r~7 (8PM), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TCYCLE7] = ~g~Cycle: ~r~8 (10PM), dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TOP_AMB] = Static ambience color, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TOP_AMD] = Dynamic ambience color, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.550 New FXT[TOP_SKT] = Sky top color, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_SKB] = Sky bottom color, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_SCE] = Sun core color, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_SCA] = Sun corona color, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_SPR] = Sun properties, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_SPG] = ~g~Sun properties, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_SZE] = Sun core size, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_SZE] = ~g~Core size, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_SZA] = Sun corona size, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_SZA] = ~g~Corona size, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_SPB] = Sprite brightness, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_SPB] = ~g~Sprite brightness, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_SHP] = Shadow properties, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_SHP] = ~g~Shadow properties, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_SHD] = ~g~Shadow intensity, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_LSH] = ~g~Light shading value, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_POL] = ~g~Pole shading value, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_WRP] = World properties, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_WRP] = ~g~World properties, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_SHD] = Shadow intensity, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_LSH] = Light shading value, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_POL] = Pole shading value, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_FCL] = Far clipping offset, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_FCL] = ~g~Far clipping offset, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_FST] = Fog start offset, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_FST] = ~g~Fog start offset, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_LOG] = Light on ground, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_LOG] = ~g~Light on ground, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_LBM] = ~g~Sky fog, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_LCL] = Lower clouds, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_BCL] = Upper bottom clouds, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_WTR] = Water RGBA, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_CO1] = Colour correction 1, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_CO2] = Colour correction 2, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TOP_ILU] = Illumination, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[COP_ILU] = ~g~Illumination, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TCPRVPG] = Previous page, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TCNXTPG] = Next page, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TCSAVE] = Generate new timecyc.dat, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TCSVSC] = New timecyc.dat has been saved, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TSSVFL] = Unable to save timecyc.dat, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TCRELO] = Timecyc.dat data have been successfully loaded, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TCTERM] = In-game Timecyc Editor: terminating, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TCWRNV] = In-game Timecyc Editor: incompatible with loaded gta_sa.exe version. Press S to continue, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TCINMS] = In-game Timecyc Editor: missing info in TimecycEditor.ini. Press S to continue., dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.551 New FXT[TCFNUM] = ~r~~1~, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.552 New FXT[TCFLT] = ~r~~1~.~1~, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.552 New FXT[TCFLTN] = ~r~-~1~.~1~, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.552 New FXT[TCDNUM] = ~r~~1~, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.552 New FXT[TCPNUM] = ~r~~1~%, dynamic = 0
31/01/2014 11:14:53.552 Unloading plugins...
31/01/2014 11:14:53.552 Loading plugin cleo/FileSystemOperations.cleo
31/01/2014 11:14:53.596 Loading plugin cleo/IniFiles.cleo
31/01/2014 11:14:53.633 Loading plugin cleo/IntOperations.cleo
31/01/2014 11:14:53.637 Loading plugin cleo/memopcodes.cleo
31/01/2014 11:14:53.997 Loading plugin cleo/newOpcodes.cleo
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Started on game of version: SA 1.0 us
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Injecting MenuStatusNotifier...
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Replacing call: 0x0057B9FD
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Injecting DmaFix...
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Replacing call: 0x0053E981
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Injecting TextManager...
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Injecting function at: 0x006A0050
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Injecting SoundSystem...
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Replacing call: 0x007487A8
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Injecting CustomOpcodeSystem...
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Injecting ScriptEngine...
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Replacing call: 0x0046A21B
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Replacing call: 0x0058D552
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Replacing call: 0x0058FCE4
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Replacing call: 0x0053BDD7
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Replacing call: 0x005BA340
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Replacing call: 0x005D4FD7
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Replacing call: 0x005D18F0
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Replacing call: 0x005D14D5
31/01/2014 11:14:54.026 Injecting function at: 0x004667DB
31/01/2014 11:14:54.973 Creating main window...
31/01/2014 11:14:54.974 Found sound device 0: No sound
31/01/2014 11:14:54.974 Found sound device 1 (default): Speakers (Conexant SmartAudio HD)
31/01/2014 11:14:54.974 On system found 2 devices, 2 enabled devices, assuming device to use: 1 (Speakers (Conexant SmartAudio HD))
31/01/2014 11:14:54.985 SoundSystem initialized
31/01/2014 11:14:54.986 Floating-point audio supported!
31/01/2014 11:14:54.987 Audio hardware acceleration disabled (no EAX)
31/01/2014 11:16:20.905 Closing SoundSystem...
31/01/2014 11:16:20.905 Freeing BASS library
31/01/2014 11:16:20.906 SoundSystem closed!
31/01/2014 11:16:20.906 Deleting fxts...
31/01/2014 11:16:20.906 Unloading scripts...
31/01/2014 11:16:20.906 Log finished.

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This is my CLEO Log recently, I think the log ''Freeing BASS Library'' is caused by audio hardware problem. Since EAX is used for Audio Hardware, other such as Coxenant doesn't supported.



31/01/2014 11:16:20.906 Log finished.


Um, that's the .log of a successful session :p



hey Deji, i want to know why this cleo doesn't compatible with Hume 2 ?


Will be fixed in next release when I manage to fix the other bugs ;)

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This is my CLEO Log recently, I think the log ''Freeing BASS Library'' is caused by audio hardware problem. Since EAX is used for Audio Hardware, other such as Coxenant doesn't supported.



31/01/2014 11:16:20.906 Log finished.


Um, that's the .log of a successful session :p

Okay, but it crashes when load izerli's Active Dashboard 3.2

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CLEO 4.3.12 Released!

-- 4.3.12 --
* Fixed string parameter skipping in 'SkipOpcodeParams' used by CLEO plugins
* 0AC8 now returns a NULL value to the output var if allocation failed (as it did before 4.3a)
* 0AC9 now checks the memory was allocated by 0AC8 before attempting to free it
* FXT references are now case insensitive (as they were before 4.3a)
* File operations now check the input handle isn't null (as it seems was the way before 4.3a)
* 'Loaded mission' status now reset on new/loaded game (as it was before 4.3a)
* Scripts no longer load prematurely (like before 4.3a)
* Resolved conflicts with other menu hooks such as 'HUME'
* Other minor tweaks

Basically, CLEO 3 support is pretty much nailed. It's just scripts that were written in versions of CLEO 4 prior to 4.3a (for which Alien totally rewrote the source code) we seem to be battling with. Unfortunately I have no source to go by, so attempts at stabilising CLEO are requiring me to decompile the old .asi, which isn't easy. However, I fixed a bunch of stuff today so hopefully there's not too many problems left.

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It's still crashing when loading a save. Maybe it's another mod causing it, but this certainly didn't happen before.

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It's still crashing when loading a save. Maybe it's another mod causing it, but this certainly didn't happen before.


Try removing your current CLEO saves.


Also do you happen to have the Black Market Mod installed? It saves it's own stuff and I found it might have been causing a crash to do with memory allocation and CLEO trying to free stuff, but really it makes no sense as CLEO only frees memory it allocated and there's no other way to free the memory... :/

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Try removing your current CLEO saves.


Also do you happen to have the Black Market Mod installed? It saves it's own stuff and I found it might have been causing a crash to do with memory allocation and CLEO trying to free stuff, but really it makes no sense as CLEO only frees memory it allocated and there's no other way to free the memory... :/


I actually don't have any CLEO saves. I don't have the Black Market mod installed either.


Maybe it's a conflict with another asi plugin.


EDIT: Could be an issue with modloader rather than CLEO, since the log file of modloader does have an error message in it. I'm gonna have to test this more later.

Edited by Zera
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Updated 4.3.12. Though it just reverses an update that caused scripts not to load for some people. So if you've had that problem, update. If you've not noticed such problem, do whatever the hell you like :p

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Yep, seems to be a problem with modloader after all. I deleted it and it no longer crashes. Sorry, it was a false alarm.

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CLEO 4.3.13 released!


-- 4.3.13 --

* Fixed crashing when starting a new game after a game has already started with CLEO scripts installed

* Possibly fixed other issues with starting a game with CLEO scripts installed


I'll be damned if this isn't the last update we need :p

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CLEO 4.3.13 released!


-- 4.3.13 --

* Fixed crashing when starting a new game after a game has already started with CLEO scripts installed


Are you serious right now?


This has bugged me for years and is finally fixed.


Props to you sir. :^:

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CLEO 4.3.13 released!


-- 4.3.13 --

* Fixed crashing when starting a new game after a game has already started with CLEO scripts installed

* Possibly fixed other issues with starting a game with CLEO scripts installed


I'll be damned if this isn't the last update we need :p



But without enough bugs, you might need this.

(>^,^)> :cookie:

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05/02/2014 12:17:09.081 Unloading scripts...

05/02/2014 12:17:09.081 Unregistering custom script named amazing

05/02/2014 12:17:09.081 Unregistering custom script named blt

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named blt

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named hpup

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named immune

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named skin

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named skybox

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named Timecyc

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named vehicle_????

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named wpmenu

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named TestChe

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named opcode_

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named memory2

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named carcoro

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named StreamI

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named weapon

05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Log finished.

name wrong..

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05/02/2014 12:17:09.081 Unloading scripts...
05/02/2014 12:17:09.081 Unregistering custom script named amazing
05/02/2014 12:17:09.081 Unregistering custom script named blt
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named blt
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named hpup
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named immune
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named skin
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named skybox
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named Timecyc
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named vehicle_????
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Unregistering custom script named wpmenu
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named TestChe
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named opcode_
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named memory2
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named carcoro
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named StreamI
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Deleting inactive script named weapon
05/02/2014 12:17:09.082 Log finished.
name wrong..



No, the maximum length of a script name is 7 characters. If you give a script a name of more than 7 characters, you risk breaking things. Many of these scripts have been named automatically based on their file name, but then limited to the first 7 characters. It's an annoying limit but it's needed.


However, an simple idea for the future would be to store the file name separately for easier identification.

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When i want to install the new version, do i have to uninstall the old one in order to install the new one?

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When i want to install the new version, do i have to uninstall the old one in order to install the new one?


Nah, just install it over the old version.

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When i want to install the new version, do i have to uninstall the old one in order to install the new one?

If you're updating from CLEO 3 to CLEO 4, just make sure you delete "..\cleo\GxtHook.cleo".

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I think Seemann is offline, so can you help solve this problem?

It'll crash when I drive a vehicle in a high speed(with shaking camera to test for crash)or other unknown situation. I don't know what It causes because I checked all the scripts are ok.

Edited by Shooter Hex
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I think Seemann is offline, so can you help solve this problem?

It'll crash when I drive a vehicle in a high speed(with shaking camera to test for crash)or other unknown situation. I don't know what It causes because I checked all the scripts are ok.


How did you check all the scripts were OK? Remove them all and remove all plugins. Then drive at a high speed. If the game still crashes, it's probably one of your game files causing it. You can try to disable CLEO and see if that definitely helps, but it seems more likely to be a problem with streaming or a script by the sound of it.

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@Deji Oh.......I found the bug, it is in my data/script folder, name is script.img, it can be seen changed and smaller. After replace the original file, nothing happen now! :santa:

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CLEO 4.3.14


My god, more fixes!!!




* Fixed 0AAA only returning custom scripts
* Fixed many things which use the 'SCM Block' or 'Mission Local Storage' space
* Fixed parameters being passed to script local storage instead of mission local storage through 0A94
* Fixed potential problems with iteration through the script queues (may cause rare and hard to trace bugs)

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's the problem about this :



How am I supposed to know? Your the one who's game does it :p


Try removing .asi's, .cleo's and .cs's and adding them back one by one until it appears again, then you may have an answer. I'd bet it's another .asi which is doing some memory checks at start-up or something.

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Can't be caused by CLEO. CLEO outputs no messages in Chinese.





Edited by SilentPL
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I saw people having this message when having SDDWG installed.

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Yes, me too but ths message doesn't encountered with single SDDWG itself. I think the problem caused by Ryosuke's plugin mixed with IMFX Explosion, plus... Ryosuke's CLEO like missile.


I've tried several tests and these are the cause of chinese message shown. But, if only used IMFX Explosion with Ryosuke's plugin, it doesn't show that message.

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