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[PS4] [LTS] "Aerial Kuruma Battle #1"


VIDEO "Aerial Kuruma Battle #1"


Video #2 - "Aerial Kuruma Battle #1"




NEW! Same Concept except you're all on floating platforms and the STUNTERS drive downwards to kill the snipers! STUNTERS have a ramp to drive back up, should they fall down below. SNIPERS, take aim and don't fall!


Armored Kurumas vs MINIGUN, SNIPER , AUTO-SNIPER, and even one, single RPG! Use it wisely....


Here's a VIDEO of the map!


Video #2 - "Aerial Kuruma Battle #1"

Edited by Loftonian


Hello, I’m new, well not really but this will be my first post on this forum and seeing how I’ve made 200+ jobs on PS3 since getting GTA in Feb 2013 I suppose it makes sense I’d post here first.


I’ll mix in some new and old ones here and I look forward to posting and playing with you guys




I wanted to post some other jobs, however rockstar socialclub at the moment won’t load properly for me right now. I can’t go past 40 jobs viewing my lists and selecting a job to load can make socialclub just stop working except for a few buttons (such as the RSC home at the top left)



Serious Car Races


“Easy Corners”


A Short practice track for those looking to get into serious racing around LS Downtown






“00 Rockford Drive Circuit”


A power circuit test track around the Rockford Administration for those looking for a quick car and skill ride





Not-So Serious Car Races


“Don’t Crash”


My first race ever made - just a Dash along the highway with jumps and obstacles





“Intersection Selection”


If everyone is going the same direction they won’t crash… right? It’s a loop around the “triangle” near the Rockford Mall




Deathmatches Melee


“Sky high Brawl”


Battle Atop one of LS skyscrapers and even have a cage match at the very top, or just knock each other off





“Colesseo Maze MeiLei”


Prop maze deathmatch, teams parachute in and normal start inside, either way it’s a maze and you get to clobber each other in it


Deathmatches Normal


“Sky High and Climbing”


Fight at the top of the Mile High Club construction site


“Spec Ops: Kill house”


[A small enclosed maze-like space with climbable walls] Merryweather’s dockside training kill house is up for use.





“Rock the Hills I”


A battle across a street of the wealthy hills area Plenty to tight spaces and open ones for what ever your style of combat is favored




“Colesseo Maze”


Slightly older version of the MeiLei variant, it’s another man made maze only smaller than the other maze and lots more killing


“Rooftop Scuffle”


I thought something with the word ‘Rooftop’ should be on a rooftop so here’s a multi-level rooftop battle on a highrise in LS




“Colesseo Maze” (Contend)


Same maze now a capture


“Cargobobbing Cars” (GTA)


Based on Roosterteeth’s Achievement Hunters game it’s a simple version in the city

There is also a 4-team version but that can’t be accessed by me on social club at the moment


“Explosion Paurn” (Hold) is also another capture I wish I could display, it’s just a capture between the FIB and IAA building with buzzards and one tank



I also had a couple of LTS based on some deathmatches such as “Scuffle Time” based on Rooftop Scuffle and another similar match based on “Roof Goof” another deathmatch of the same type. -- I wish I could post the links

  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later...

I normally don't share my creations like this, but I've gotten some good feedback from friends and most of the randoms who have played this one so far. It's on PS4 and it's called "Caddyshack Carnage":






It's a simple premise Team Deathmatch for 2 to 30 players at the LSGC...2 teams, a bunch of Caddys and a whole lot of sticky bombs, using the whole of the golf course as a battlefield! It's fun in smaller groups, but seems to be really excellent in larger ones.


Hopefully a few of you will give it a try.

Edited by TheKingChivas
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

[PS4] Two New LTS Maps. 4 TEAM LTS


#1 - "4-Way Floating Foot Race" http://rsg.ms/6a833a1




In this map, four teams square off in a floating foot-race above the Canal. Acquire flare guns so you can shoot the floating PIPES that will cause your opponents to fall into the water below! Don't worry if you fall, take a jet ski back to the beginning and walk back up to the top (There are 2 ramps). Whoever reaches the end first will be rewarded with a SAVAGE HELICOPTER. Which team will win the race!?!?





#2 - "Floating Flare-Gun Fiesta" http://rsg.ms/b7fa24a








4 Teams square off against eachother equipped with nothing but Flare Guns. It's definitely difficult to kill someone with a flare gun, so you also have the option of aiming at the floating PIPES and VEHICLES, which will fall on top of your opponents and crush them. If they're not careful, they can get blown up, too!


Watch The Video to see the map in action!


Thanks!! Enjoy.

LTS - best of three.
2-20 players.
As a team, tactically push your opponents into the blackhole using the Pantos provided.

Here's a short clip posted by a crew member:


LTS - Best of Three
2-12 Players
Go one on one in the circle using the cars provided.

Hog Potato
2-8 Players.
Throw grenades from motorcycles at the opposing gang.

Fight Night at the MC
LTS - Best of Three
2-12 Players.
Go at it in the steel cage, no holds barred! Fight in the ring only.

Edited by DuPz0r

I created a race on the PS3 called "The Highway" (without quotations). It is a race around Blaine County along the highways. It is a long one, around 13 miles. Due to its length, I only recommend one lap. You can use the fastest cars in the game with this one. You can go even faster by using a custom car with a 100% engine upgrade. Super cars are the default class. The Adder is a fast car. The Z-Type, a muscle car, can be even faster with a 100% engine upgrade. I like speeding around Blaine County.





Game Mode: Capture - Contend


Players: 2 - 10


Description: The second instalment of Annihilation. Still taking place on the same bridge as the previous Annihilation, you'll now face a new, even more dangerous gauntlet. Once again, players are split onto both side of the bridge with an identical gauntlet and must collect bags of cash on the other end of the gauntlet. The enemy Annihilators also return, obviously. The first team to collect five bags of cash and get them back to the start wins. Remember, if killed, use the wooden slopes to get back up.


Link: http://rsg.ms/fdc1421

  • 2 weeks later...

This track was inspired by Top Gear's Test Track in the UK.


You'll be able to reach top gear in your super down the back straight, whilst putting your handling setup to the test with smooth flowing corners.


Platform = PS4

URL = http://rsg.ms/540e824

Stig Lap Time = 52 seconds




Platform: PS4

Type: Land Race

Link: http://rsg.ms/ade0556

Players: 1 to 12
Game Mode: Race/GTARace/NoContact
Description: A dangerous and fast paced race on the curvy roads through the hills of Vinewood until you reach Alta - Who will be the winner?


Preview: http://ow.ly/Xj12G






Platform: PS4

Type: Land Race

Link: http://rsg.ms/67a9da5

Players: 1 to 12
Game Mode: Race/GTARace/NoContact
Description: The Ultimate Race across the State - You choose the best Route to get from LS to BC first. No GPS! Only One Checkpoint by the Desert where the Racers meet each other. Racers go from the far south Docks to the north of SA.








Platform: PS4

Type: Land Race

Link: http://rsg.ms/d6440f6

Players: 1 to 16
Game Mode: Race/NoContact
Description: Ascend the Great Chaparral Mountains and be the first who arrives at the Sisyphus Theater. A wide curvy road and excellent weather invite you to this high speed race.



Edited by smil0





Game Mode: Bike Race


Vehicle Class: Motorcycles


Players: 1 - 20


Description: Exodus, a 1,9km circuit floating above downtown Los Santos. With long bends, sloped sections and three jumps, you and your motorcycle will be pushed to the limit. Or, push yourself even further with GTA Mode. Limited to motorcycles only. Best played at night.


Link: http://rsg.ms/a2017b3








Game Mode: Bike Race


Vehicle Class: Motorcycles


Players: 1 - 4


Description: The Phlex Project is a unique aerial circuit designed by top architectural designers of the Arcadius Business Center. Limited to motorcycles only, this 1,6km aerial circuit will have you race above and around downtown Los Santos, you'll even race past traffic for a brief moment as you speed down the main highlight of the circuit known as Vertae. GTA mode is also available.


Link: http://rsg.ms/77f2aa9



Edited by REXX93



Plattform: PS4


Game Mode: GTA Race/Point 2 Point


Link: http://rsg.ms/0911c7b


Description: Offroad race through the hills and if your can't make it to the finishline.....then get out and walk!


	Edited  by GTALYPH




Plattform: PS4


Game Mode: GTA Race


Link: http://rsg.ms/0911c7b


Description: A GTA race through the mountains down to the pier....the only thing theres a major obsticle so you may have to get out and walk!

Hi.I would like to show to you one of my most unique deathmatches.in this deathmatch,you and other 5 players will engage in a quick-paced,close-ranged combat with Baseball bats and Marksman Pistols in a under construction house located near the Eclipse Towers building.


You need at least 3 players to start this job



Name:Esse Jogo Trabucado (A pun,because the Marksman Pistol is called Trabuco in the portuguese version)




Social Club Link:http://rsg.ms/3b773c2



Edited by Arachne



Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch



Edited by Cosmic Gypsy
  • 2 weeks later...

San An Big Run



Platform: PC, PS4 (XB1 and Community Race versions on the way)

Game Mode: Land Race


PC: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/pc/jobs?missionId=Z02UHjUCTkGjBVikpDs3qg

PS4: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/rJYZ0S8UPU2iivpW1OMgeg

Description: A long endurance race for up to 30 players taking in San Andreas' entire freeway network.


It's Just Business

Platform: PS4

Game Mode: Capture - GTA

Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/ZD78ORf83E-ziB17i9Z8cQ

Description: Steal a Dinghy from an island off the Paleto Cove and deliver it to the Trevor Philips Industries dock, so Trevor can advance his business even further. Trevor's left some dirt bikes, his Bodhi and some boats near the opening of Cassidy Creek for transport. Watch out for the shore when travelling up the creek.

Train Wrecked



2-30 player capture

Snipers & Revolvers only



There's a huge train wreck on the creek railroad. Travel up the train carriages and retrieve the classified files before they fall in to the wrong hands. Don't look down!

I have some jobs that need testing and feedback.

CaddyHack - Capture in Golf Course and surrounds. http://rsg.ms/e74cc7f

Towering Lap - Smalll Course around near Eclipse http://rsg.ms/1a69388

Four Irons - GTA Vice City Mission inspired race http://rsg.ms/c5f7668

Please Feedback for few attempts at something I want to get into this whole creator thing.

Edited by FroudeyBrand
Xenon Xyanide


Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Team Deathmatch (2-20 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/UHkxNmDeSUujtn4Pdg5V9A
Description: The Lombank headquarters are in the middle of a meltdown. The company's Bawsaq listing is in freefall and the top executives have all done a runner. The lower tier employees are in the process of ransacking the two Lombank buildings, in the hope of squandering some valuables. The panic soon escalates into a fierce firefight between the two towering landmarks, leaving a shell of a company standing it's wake.




Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Lap Race (2 -30 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/_jKWDhNFfUiZ1SM3Zc1l5A
Description: So much space for activities! Los Santos International Airport has finally open it's gates to the Autotest team. Ramps and barrels are the main obstacles in this Casco race to the finish. Just be wary of the dangerous crossover on those ramps.





Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Team Deathmatch (2-20 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/4XoLq2hzREGpxg79eJYSlg
Description: Construction workers in downtown Alta, have stumbled across an underground combat arena. But, it turns out the local Mafia aren't too pleased about their discovery, and are ready to silence the STD contractors. Little do they know, Merryweather Security are on site, and are armed and ready to dispatch any threat to STD.





Platform: PS4
Game Mode: GTA Race (2-20 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/YG_lkH0RaESeyew7VcPkxw
Description: 'Benny's' and Grove Street's 'Auto Fix' have teamed up to unleashed a reign of terror upon rival gangs. Vindictive gang members have rigged the roads with explosives and weapons. It's drive to survive, in this lowrider blitzkrieg for the finish.





Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Interior Deathmatch (2-20 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/rd1-wn69jUiX_xOeQqZZjw
Description: Have you turned the gas off? Did you lock the back door? Did you wash the dishes? Who drank the last of the milk? Why are there pubic hairs in my toothbrush?! The daily grind has finally gotten to this upper class family. Sod doing the laundry, the kitchen knives are out as this family see's red.





Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Team Deathmatch (2-30 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/6ZS0Pwb2Tk-0fBzFA-ZKig
Description: Spying on the neighbors wasn't a good idea. The tenants have finally had enough. The two rival apartment blocks have hired mercs, skilled with long ranged rifles to take out the supposed scum, which has blighted this once friendly neighborhood.





Platform: PS4
Game Mode: LTS (2-30 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/w_A3pgNpVEWsQDckiwX5eA
Description: The summer discount sale is on at Simmet Alley. Everything from carpets to willy rings have gotten their prices slashed in order to shift stock. Unfortunately for the general public, 2 rival street gangs are out with a vengeance in this area, after a drive by shooting gone wrong. It's shop till you drop in this high-street discount blitz.





Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Deathmatch (2-20 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/6yJ6jS3t0kmq6q9IvSECWA
Description: Forget about Golf, Sky Diving and playing games of Tennis. How about a suicidial game of tag, using only Grenade Launchers. Screw the hospital patients several floors below, YOLO and all that... right?





Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Non Contact Race (2-20 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/NVlb7EDdPkSU294DURCJtA
Description: Blaze blue morning skies, bright pastel coloured flats and the glorious scent of weed. The narrow twisty streets of Vespucci are what this dope injected coupe' race are all about. Getting high while power-sliding around the beach soaked streets has never looked this cool. Just watch out for those pedestrians and hotdog stands.

Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Interior Deathmatch (2-10 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/Pt-LDCKzmkKGwhHyHioy4Q
Description: Strange noises and rumors of a horde of Premium Sports cars, has made this suburban underground Lock-Up a local urban legend. But, when reports come in to Police of a suspected murder, they're forced to move their hand and to investigate what's really going on in the underground car park.
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Interior Deathmatch (2-20 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/oDSQQHSvBUCMAHzNQmnvfA
Description: The latest shipment of bootleg Irn Bru has just arrived from Scotland, at the Los Santos docks. But, it turns out that the shipment was loaded with bottles of Tizer instead. Gang bosses are furious with the suppliers and are demanding an explanation. Turns out waving weapons and threatening the bearded Scottish gang members, wasn't a great idea.
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Non Contact Race (2-30 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/uLwFA0D090maDnHn1n5l5A
Description: South Seas Apartments are hosting a special, one off rally event, to mark their 25th anniversary. Forget about the rat infestation down at the tenants swimming pool, this event is a new chapter in the company's history. This year it'll be their own fleet of Primo cars that'll be trashing the grounds and disrupting
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Non Contact Race (2-20 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/NDbkOF5HQkCcc87HXA3Juw
Description: You can take your 1.4 Vauxhall Corsa, and shovel it. True American Muscle, is what it's all about in this race. No neon lights or nitrous oxide, just pure petrol devouring grunt. Can you control these V8 monsters all the way across the finish line?
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Team Deathmatch (2-20 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/Y3cSukIaB0e_vms91gA4pQ
Description: Headaches, back-pains... are nothing compared to a PDW slug to the head. 'One Eyed Willy' eat your heart out. This team deathmatch requires skill and precision, and only the best team players win see victory, in this rooftop arena fight for survival.
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Underground Interior Team Deathmatch (2-16 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/QDzwvkWUt0G2gRjw9K0CiA
Description: Puerto Del Sol's new, Palomino CQB Training grounds, have recently opened to great fanfare. But, the Tennis players above the grounds, aren't too pleased with the sound of firearms being discharged during matches. Times change, but these Tennis fanatics aren't going with flow. Time to put the furry balls down and settle this once and for all.
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Interior Deathmatch (2-12 Players)
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xenonxyanide/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/4OMQ9uGaaEqVXZFiaBVFNg
Description: Humane Labs are in total lockdown. A radical new treatment has been tested on psychopathic patients, in hopes introducing them back into the world to a normal life. But, the experimental treatment goes terribly wrong. The patients have escaped and have killed the internal security force within the labs. Police and Military services are now on full alert at site, as the Humane Labs run amok with gun wielding psychopaths.
Some more custom PS4 jobs/playlists that I've created, can be found here:
This is just a very small selection of the jobs that I've created. The majority of my older jobs are not in the playlists.
Edited by Xenon Xyanide

Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Land Race

Track Name: The Rugged Loop #1

Link: http://rsg.ms/09eb311
Description: A short twisting track, with a mix of the rugged and the smooth.


Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Deathmatch
Track Name: A dog fight to the death!
Description: A close range fight with lethal weapons, a big surprise!

Edited by BowdonUK



Platform: ANY

Game Mode: Custom private session

Link: N/A

Description:​ A group of fugitives run for their lives as they try to evade a notorious bounty hunter that will stop at nothing to bring them to justice.


How the game is​ played:


All players will meet up in a designated area. (I prefer Sandy Shores Airfield)


The starting Bounty Hunter will then begin a countdown and give the Fugitives a chance to scatter and get as far away as they can from the Bounty Hunter.​ (The Bounty Hunter will remain at the location until time is up)


After the countdown is over the Bounty Hunter will then hunt down the Fugitives and try to pick them off 1 by 1.


When a Fugitive is killed they will become a Bounty Hunter and help kill the remaining Fugitives.


The game ends when all the Fugitives are killed.





All Fugitives must disable their radar and gamertags. (This can be done in the game's settings)


Fugitives are not allowed to use maps. (Do not hit pause in order to see the location of the bounty hunter)​


Only semi-auto pistols, bolt action snipers, and pump-action shotguns. (In short, no automatic weapons)


No explosive​​​s, except for tear gas.


Civilian vehicles only. (No custom/player owned vehicles)


Players ​​​cannot call in vehicles. (Players cannot call their Mechanic, Lester, Merryweather, etc.)


Planes can only be flown from airport to airport. (Planes must be on a direct route to another airstrip. No circling the map in planes, HOWEVER, this rule DOES NOT apply to helicopters)​


In order for a fugitive to become a Bounty Hunter they must either be killed by a bounty hunter and the bounty hunter must survive the attack or the Fugitive commits suicide while being chased by a Bounty Hunter.


Reason For Rules:


In order to keep the game from being boring for those who are not being chased, we agreed that the Fugitives should not have access to the mini-map/radar, pause menu map, or the view of gamertags. This will always keep the fugitives on their toes because they will never know when the Bounty Hunter is coming. This also allows the Bounty Hunters the ability to track their prey, set up traps/road blocks, be able to successfully surprise the Fugitives, and remain undetected while in close proximity of the fugitive, because the fugitive will not be able to see a player gamertag. ​


The reason there are no automatic weapons is because we want the car chases and firefights in this game mode last for awhile rather then end in just a matter of seconds. So now instead of just firing a steady stream of bullets and blowing up a car within seconds, players will be forced to attempt ram others off the road, focus on tires, or keep the car steady for some deadly headshot.


The same applies for the no explosives rule. We don't want players to just whip sticky bombs around left and right or set up roadblocks with RPGs and give the fugitive almost no chance in escaping. However, in order to prevent people from camping in a small space and constantly pick people off, we will allow the use for tear gas so they can weed them out.


We decided that it would be better to cut out custom/player owned vehicles because not everybody will be a high enough level to get the best upgrades and others might have the unfair advantage of catching or outrunning other players easily. This will also make player think on their feet more often when they need a new ride.


The rule of no calling mechanics and the others is in place because we don't want players to constantly call Lester or someone else and have them spawn vehicles for them. This, again, can create an unfair advantage for some players. ​​


Now the reason we will only allow players to fly planes to and from airports is because there were times when Fugitives would just stay in the plane and ​circle around the map. Players are encouraged to use planes as a means of escape from one side of the map to another.


Finally the reason why Fugitives will only become Bounty Hunters by being killed by a Bounty Hunter and that Bounty Hunter Survives the attack or the Fugitive commits suicide while being chased by a Bounty Hunter is because there would be times that a Bounty Hunter would kamikaze ​planes or helicopters into Fugitives and kill them or Fugitives would kill themselves in order to spawn further away from a Bounty Hunter. Having this rule in place keeps the spirit of the chase in tact.




I'm sorry if I p​osted this in the wrong thread, if I did please let me know where I should post it. If you have any questions regarding this game mode, are willing to play it, or have any suggestions to make it better, please feel free to send me a message or feel free to message/invite me on PSN. My PSN ID is X_SnipedYoDik_X

I play on PS4​

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